Tag Archives: courage

Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life

Imagine this scenario: You look up your bank balance, see the number. And suddenly dread grabs your chest and you are off to panic-land.

You see that unless you start generating an income before the end of the month, you’ll be on the dole… at the mercy of others, at the mercy of social services… You’ve run out of money, and you have run out of time.

What do you do now?
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I grew up hating America

I grew up hating America. I cringed when I heard the actors speak in movies.

Today, in the “rabbit hole” of the Monday Morning Memo, I was lead to Paul Harvey, a famous radio broadcaster. I listened to a couple of his audios, and that searing, deep hate came back.

So I am sitting here and contemplating.

The hate reaction was instantaneous, but what to think… that needs to be cogitated, contemplated, in silence, without taking sides.

I look if it is the content and yes and no… so it is not the content. It is the audio.

The radio style copied by many, including Roy Williams of the Monday Morning Memo.
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How fast can you raise your vibration? Worth reading again…

There are two main issues (lack of courage and lack of humility) that if you have them, you probably won’t be able to raise your vibration until you overcome these two issues.

To illustrate the first, I’ll use Tai Lopez’s email… Thank you Tai
I had someone ask me the other day “Hey Tai, if you could take one quote from throughout history and make it you life guide, what quote would it be?”

That’s a pretty tough question, because you can use quotes and history as free mentor.

If I had to take one quote and make it my purpose in life, It would be something I read from Alexander the Great. He said “Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free, and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it or death takes them.”

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