Tag Archives: creative plane

How fixing a problem creates and grows the Dark Side…

I’ve been a little off lately. In the middle of May the number of visitors to my site fell to almost none.

The cause: Google created a software that can tell if something is good or not. If something is worth reading or not. Google deemed my site crap. Obviously, because between May and the beginning of this week, they sent me a grand total of 30 visitors, whereas they used to send me 30-80 a day…

What happened? How did my site become crap from one day to the other?
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Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment

Turning Points Part 3: Control your attention
You can adapt declarations that you find… and you see that living consistent with that declaration would be consistent with living according to the Original Design.

What aspect of the Original Design? The aspect that says: you are made of the same thinking substance as Source itself is made of. You have the same kind of will Source has.
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turning points Part 3: Create a turning point by adhering to a quote that can alter your life… your attention

Turning Points Part 3: Control your attention
You can adapt declarations that you find… and you see that living consistent with that declaration would be consistent with living according to the Original Design.

What aspect of the Original Design? The aspect that says: you are made of the same thinking substance as Source itself is made of. And you are endowed with the same kind of will Source has.

Does that make you equal to Source? No, not at all. Why? First off your cone of vision, the amount of everything that you can see and know about is limited to the dominion of the 1% world. Second: you have additional forces that operate in you and through you: the Ego and the Soul.

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Measure your vibration to raise your vibration… but how do you measure your vibration?

Let’s talk about raising your vibration

This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:

Find out more about this magic manifestation method >>>

First of all… don’t try to raise your vibration until you know what it is. I get 1-2 requests a day, just to measure someone’s vibration for $15, and when I send them the number, they demand that I explain to them.

If you don’t know how to interpret what you get, then you are wasting your money… A sign of LOW VIBRATION! Please spare me and yourself.

But if you want some semblance of interpretation, go to David Hawkins’ truth and falsehood chart, the “map of consciousness”. It is not accurate, it is b.s. but it will make you feel better about your number. Won’t make you feel better, because vibration is not about feeling, or feeling better. Even though people with higher vibration do feel better. But what was first, the chicken or the egg… And is there causality or correlation? Questions, if your vibration is too low, or even normal, you cannot even begin to tackle…

Oh, that is why you want to raise your vibration? So you can feel better? Not likely to happen.

In my horizontal/vertical article I explain what you are missing… please read it a few times until you understand.
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The invisible undercurrent that is running your life, unbeknown to you.

The invisible undercurrent, undertow of self-made rules… Or if you prefer, the invisible strings that move the puppet…

What they talk about when they say “there are known knowns… etc.”

Donald Rumsfeld stated:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.

He definitely said that differently than how we mean it, and yet it is worded in a way that makes sense to most people, so I am quoting him.
So what unknown unknowns are we talking about?

Imagine living a thousand years ago, when everyone in the Western world thought that the world was flat… In other cultures they thought that the world was sitting on the back of a giant turtle.
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The Secret: Being unstoppable. Going the extra mile. Being willing to do what it takes…

The stuff heroes made of. Not ordinary.

What was in The Secret movie and The Secret book is plain bullshit. Plain and simple.

What we call ordinary is ugly. Being stopped by fear. Being stopped by doubts. Being stopped by laziness. Being stopped by anything.

You get a great idea, or an invitation, and you see that pursuing would take you to a place you’d like to be… but.

That but, that pesky but, is what is between you and becoming a person. And you know it. So you struggle with the shame, and regret… but that is just more of the same.

The only thing that conquers that “but” is action.

But… but you have learned, wrongly, that one action is all it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be.

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Already too busy? Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry? Trying to start a new project?

Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry?

These are all signs of you living on the competitive plane, the horizontal, the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I have a book that I can see from my bed. It is called “The Life You Were Born To Live”

The title immediately creates desire and hurry

But the “You Were Born To Live” creates calmness and a quiet awareness. No hurry. No place to go. Just live.

Two words changed.
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Master your emotions by mastering the Amish Horse Training Method

If we didn’t have words, we would have no emotions. All emotions come from words… some are yours, some are not…

The Amish Horse Training Method is to be able to hear all the words that create emotions… and hear them in a way, that gives you a choice to honor them or not, depending of the source of the words, the relevance of the words…

The Amish Horse Training Method returns you to the driving seat of your life…

Not surprisingly, for most students the first step towards mastery is mastering their attention. Unless you can control your attention, you are a putz… and are controlled by someone or something, but not you. And for you to be you, you need to call the shot.

The luckier students admit that they have a difficult time sticking with a book… because they can’t pay attention to it, they can’t understand, or they can’t remember what they read. Or the do a narrative, argue with the book, agree, disagree… but have no idea what they actually read. They remember the arguing.
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Slow down!

Want to get more? Grab less… The counter intuitive way to “do” life that works.
I once had a very good friend. We met in Landmark, and all we talked about is Landmark stuff… Landmark Education works through distinctions… and it is hard to explain what a distinction is, but I will give you examples, hopefully you can get it. One distinction this friend of mine was in love with is “slow down.” And another one, an outgrowth from there: “chew on it” or “chew”. I knew this guy for about seven years, and these were the distinctions that he spent all his time practicing and deepening. Exactly the opposite of what most people do.

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How to be successful without being evil

One of the distinctions from Wallace D. Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich is called “The Creative Plane.”

Most of us, most of the time, live on the competitive plane.

The competitive plane has several aspects, and depending on your disposition, you’ll be able to counter some, while not be able or be willing to counter others.

The first aspect of the competitive plane is comparison. On the competitive plane you are always going some place, you are never where you are, the only concept you have from the here and now is that it’s not enough, not yet, not there yet, not the right place, not good enough, or wrong. Not the right thing, not the right place. That is the foundation of the competitive plane, and the result is misery… felt or not, when you operate in the competitive plane, you are miserable, always hungering, always yearning, always out of sorts..

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