Tag Archives: curiosity

Clarity. Clarity is a superpower that you are not born with

Clarity is a lot like astuteness. It is the ability to glean the gold among the fake gold, among the pretend gold, among the inert, the ordinary.

There is an amazing scene in one of the Harry Potter movies: The scene when they go to find the horcrux in the bank. It is a cup if I remember correctly, in a bank vault owned by one of the Death Eaters. The horcrux hides a part of the Dark Lord’s soul, and to kill the Dark Lord Harry must kill the horcrux.
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What capacity is missing so that you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

What capacity is missing so that you cannot tell, you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

I think this is the main issue for people who cannot grow… even if they keep on having private sessions, do all my courses, or all Landmark courses, or all Mindvalley courses, or use energy stuff… mine or others’.

When you put something they know some other environment, they don’t recognize it in a different environment, a different context.

So what is the missing capacity, you wonder… And how can anyone dream up a method to teach it?

A little historical view of how humans evolved (or not) during their lifetimes in previous times…
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Why you are excitement seeker… explained

Lighting up curiosity is like alchemy… not distinguishable from magic My notes… if you are inclined to transcribe this episode, I am inclined to trade my products or services with you…

the two brains
curiosity is a right brain phenomena
learning is a left brain

curiosity, when properly awakened, is the spark or the initial much needed step to cause learning.

ignorance is caused by no curiosity.

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Why you are not, in fact cannot be curious? Are you screwed now?

I have decided to re-read the Feelings book, and this time make it a study, memorize the names of the different needs, take a more earnest approach to learning the “language” of the machine that is need-based.

I am feeling a mix of fear and excitement. where? in my stomach, expanding to my chest.

My plan is to read/study the book is to study it at the beginning of my evening reading session for about 10 minutes, and then switch to my “other” book… whatever book I am reading in the evening at the time… currently it is “Curious” by Ian Leslie.

I am reading Curious for the second time, and this time it is, given the chance, going to change something in me and consequently in how I teach, how i guide, and what I expect YOU to do.

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Intuitive, counter-intuitive… how we use “intuition” to make everything worse

What we call intuition isn’t… but WHAT do we call intuition?

The state of the current humanity is chaos. Everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an a-hole.

So far so good, Sophie… you groan. But from this, honoring one’s opinion as important, comes the mischief: everyone insists that their version of reality… aka their opinion, is the real reality.

Same way about what words mean… words like intuition.
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Can humans grow? Grow intelligence, curiosity, motivation?

Let me start with a joke: How to have a million dollars in business? Start with two million

How do you make a million dollars in the restaurant business? Start with two million

This is the joke that is making the circles in my brain when I think about how to have clients who have ambition, motive power, and actually accomplish stuff?

You start with students who already accomplish stuff…
Can you actually teach accomplishment? Muscle test (Source) says: no… unless.
This article is about what comes after the word ‘unless’.
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