Tag Archives: default context

What do you do that destroys your relationships?

Someone with a critical eye will offer you some unsolicited advice today, and you should not be afraid to hear them out. Their reputation for painful honesty should be no excuse — your feelings don’t matter when real knowledge is out there to be learned.
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Financial Freedom: your gurus are fake and they teach crap

Financial Freedom: Why Context is decisive, or why your gurus are fake, why they are miserable, and why what they teach is crap
The Money Game
One can get caught up in the “money game” on any levels of income. You can even get hooked in its tangles before you make any decision about what to do with your life… as in inherited from your parents, or getting hooked on the perks money gave you through stuff your parents bought you.

No matter when and how you got hooked, you can unhook yourself and be financially free.

What does “financially free” mean?

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Who is running your life, the entrepreneur you or who?

Just like a company, shrinking looks like a good way to increase profitability.

But business may be (it isn’t) about profitability, but life isn’t.

When someone asks me what is the surest path to Expanding Human Being, I always bring up Bob the Butler. Or the quote and principle from the Neal Stephenson book: Diamond Age. Start living an interesting life. When your goal is not to win every step of the way, it is not to shrink to the size that you can manage, but to grow through trials and failures to the sky: i.e. an interesting life.

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Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time – Practicing The Feeling Of Freedom And Power Through Contributing To It

Churches, communities, etc. ask you to contribute. And you comply: you volunteer, you give away your old winter coat, you give food, or money.

But as in everything, context is decisive.

What’s the context in their request? That you support the less fortunate. There is morality: you can afford and therefore you should, and there is shaming… you don’t eat your food and little kids starve in Africa, or “be generous and earn the Kingdom of Heaven” b.s.

All of these make you a wretch. And not just you, anyone. Why? Because context is decisive.

Nature, trees, animals, do not willingly give what they have, unless they have a selfish reason for it. Not a feeling, but a direct benefit. And nature is fine, thank you, and no one suffers. No morality, no shoulds, just good old selfishness. Surprised? Good.

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What makes life worth living?

This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah…
And context is the ultimate life hack.
Most people don’t understand the distinction: context

Why is that a problem? Because of all the elements of life, context is the easiest to change. And when context changes, life changes.

So you don’t understanding context means that life cannot change easily, cannot change fast.

Now you are interested, I hope.

Have you ever asked yourself: What am I doing?
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The skill to develop if you want to live a life you love

We live as if things never changed. Even though we hear, read, that the only thing that is constant in life is change.

And yet, our minds, the machine-like part of us that cannot learn, won’t learn, and fancies itself YOU… our minds tell us, moment to moment, that life will remain the way it is in that moment.

Is that crazy or what?

When something bad happens, the reaction is not to the bad thing, but to the idea that the results of the bad thing are life-long.
When something good happens, the reaction is not to the good thing. It is to the idea, to the notion, to the certainty, that the good thing will last a lifetime.
When you are well… you are sure you’ll be always well. When you feel sick, you are sure that unless you fix it, you’ll never feel good again. Gloom and doom, or yippee… all is wonderful. The roller coaster, I call it.

So in light of this behavior of the mind: what is the most important skill?
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What is the keystone that holds together your life?

I have a next door neighbor who feels miserable most of the time. As an empath I am forced to feel it. No escape. Can’t cloak myself, can’t shield myself.

Yesterday, at 10 am she went into massive fear mode… So I had the idea to test if I can use the Heaven on Earth to ease her distress. I downloaded and pushed Heaven on Earth, the energies, across the two driveways to her, and it eased her misery considerably. To bearable level.
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What you see… is it reality?

The view is different from the foot of the mountain than from the top
One of the weird thing about humans that they are stuck in their limited view of reality.
They don’t even suspect that there is a different view from different points.

This is why almost every otherwise worthless therapist or coach can cause temporary results… because all they need to learn is to ask you to look a different way, through a different perspective, and voilĂ … magic happens.

The problem is that when you are left to your own devices, you rarely if ever think to activate the magic. The magic that is magical, but isn’t magic.

Things look different from different perspectives, because that is what perspective means. Duh.

And because your life is given by what you see, if you are stuck, which seems to me is always, all you need to do is change the perspective.

I hardly know anyone who volunteers to do that.
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Context will decide if you are happy or miserable, rich or poor

the first thing for you to learn, if you EVER want to visit the vertical plane, is CONTEXT

this will likely be a series

dictionary: context = the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.
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