Tag Archives: DNA activation

What are the 13 new capacities in the DNA Upgrade?

I wrote this article two years ago, in 2013. Today I use different words to express what I did then. I say, today, that capacities inherent in human DNA were activated… instead of added.

But other than that… this article is as good as new… With, or course the major difference, of publicly activating capacities and seeing if they are taken or not, if they are resisted and how.
In the two years or so before the DNA upgrade of September 4, 2013, my job was to coach people in activating their human being capacities, raise their vibration, access their soul’s guidance, and connect to Source.

In hindsight, I’d signed up to do failed experiments so Source can learn humans and the human condition intimately.

In the first phase, it became clear that you cannot activate capacities in people that are unconscious and are driven by dark desires, greed, and lust.

In the second phase it became clear that even with individual activation something was amiss: humans are not even able to see that they are a result of co-creation, and they cannot just hold out their hands and get what they think they need and want.

In the third phase I worked out methods that could work if humans had some missing capacities added to their DNA.

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How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

There are certain abilities, that are controlled by genes, that I don’t have, and I want.

So I have asked Source to turn on for me self-control…

Long term meditating properly turns that gene on… Causes an epigenetic shift. This is what is the reason long time meditators, especially TM, transcendental meditation practitioners can do much better in every area of life.

I paid for TM, back in the year 2000, and hated it. I even read the book, and I just could not do it.

It is the self-control gene that was missing… I am like a wild child… Don’t like to be pinned down, even if it is me who is trying to pin myself down.

But… But as an insomniac, it would help me fall asleep faster.
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What’s the truth about you? Can you become all you can be from some energies? DNA activation?

As I was looking what others say about DNA activation, I found that they all say something mystical, scientific sounding b.s.

I did something this morning I haven’t done in years: I listened to one of my old webinars, step 6 of the Second Phase Activators.
I didn’t remember, but the subtitle of that course is: “Let’s change what’s true about you”
So Step 6 is about courage-desire-surrender…

The context of the whole course is causing the qualities, the capacities, the abilities in you that allow you to become all you can be.
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What are the 13 new capacities that were included in the DNA Upgrade of September 4?

I wrote this article two years ago, in 2013. Today I use different words to express what I did then. I say, today, that capacities inherent in human DNA were activated… instead of added.

But other than that… this article is as good as new… With, or course the major difference, of publicly activating capacities and seeing if they are taken or not, if they are resisted and how.

In the two years or so before the DNA upgrade of September 4, 2013, my job was to coach people in activating their human being capacities, raise their vibration, access their soul’s guidance, and connect to Source.

In hindsight, I’d signed up to do failed experiments so Source can learn humans and the human condition intimately.

In the first phase, it became clear that you cannot activate capacities in people that are unconscious and are driven by dark desires, greed, and lust.

In the second phase it became clear that even with individual activation something was amiss: humans are not even able to see that they are a result of co-creation, and they cannot just hold out their hands and get what they think they need and want.

In the third phase I worked out methods that could work if humans had some missing capacities added to their DNA.

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DNA upgrade, DNA activation… Avatar State Audio Activators… what is what?

Upgrade vs. Activation

Upgrade is adding something new… like a new capacity, a new ability.

Activation is forcing you to use what you have, your capacities, your abilities.

Activators are small nudging devices that don’t leave you alone until you actually start and continue using capacities they are programmed to activate.

No one uses their capacities to the max, that is why at vibration 990 I was still benefiting from using the Harmonize your Vibration activator, that was designed as an entry level, non-defined activator… to start to dig you out of the rut of your lowly habits of slothfulness of thinking and being.
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