Tag Archives: dna capacities

Osho: Why does it hurt so much to be jealous?

I have been spending the last few days meditating, muscle testing, contemplating why it is that different people from different ethnic cultures are so different in one main aspect: caring.

Caring means that you are willing to consider another as important as yourself. And just the way you would not hurt yourself consciously and intentionally, you would not hurt another.
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I had a few interesting client interactions today plus epigenetics

I have gleaned quite come new information about people who become my clients.
–Client #1: energy teacher, practitioner.
Has been paying me for years to do work on him. This time I did work on him, on his ex, and am waiting for payment to work on some of his associates.

It doesn’t even occur to him to work on being a co-creator: he is either believing in my power to do it for him, or he doesn’t believe in it…

My hunch is that he, secretly, knows that what he does is ineffective, and by the same token he is sure, secretly, that what I do is ineffective.

Reminds me of money gurus, or law of attraction gurus: big boys club support each other: each benefit equally by throwing dust in the unsuspecting “plebs” eyes.

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The least qualified person syndrome and the anchor to doom

Before I get into the meat of the article, I’d like to share what happened in Israel during and after the War of Independence (1948-), lasting about 20-25 years.

Most new immigrants lived in kibbutzim, and in kibbutzim, a kind of ‘collective’, the children spent most of their times in children’s houses. They slept there too. Once a week they spent some time with their parents ( every kibbutz had their own schedule)

99% of the children who grew up in the kibbutzim became emotionally healthy, powerful youth and adults. Even the ‘runts’ were happier, healthier, stronger, than today’s people in Israel.

They won wars, and the country was a happy place.

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Are you willing to become a prosperous “neighborhood”?

I republished an article, that is as important as anything you’ll ever learn, if you wanted to live a life of an expanding human being…

Response when I first published it: no echo. Response this time: no echo. Nobody heard it. Nobody saw it. Nobody was interested.
The article is pinpointing the reason why you have what you have, and not what you want to have.
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How would you know if you are a sissy? And I don’t mean gay…

This is a March 2017 update… Since I wrote this article, I have been able to measure your sissiness score… I call it the TLB Score (Twitchy Little Bastard score)… to what degree you are able to evolve as a human. Personally. You. Able and willing.
Want to know your score? Your life actually shows you… but if you think it’s the circumstances, or not being smart enough… you may want to find out what about you that doesn’t allow you to grow, to create a life worth living.
Get your TLB score… I measure it personally… it is not a questionnaire… How can I measure it? I am a True Empath… I can measure accurately a lot of invisible things about you…

OK… here is the original article.
Humanity is declining… Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

I read a paragraph in an article, online, I can’t seem to find the article any more.

The article says that the United States became a world leader because of its attitude of innovation, and hard work, but today: U.S. consumers spend significantly more on potato chips than the U.S. government devotes to energy Research and Development.

Research and Development, innovation, is what makes a country grow, and it needs people who can cause growth. People who can think. Who are willing to think. Who enjoy thinking, getting to be pioneers… work long hours, be uncomfortable… Not for the money, but because they love challenges.

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Your smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

Your smarts don’t live in your brain. Comparing brains is a favorite job of scientist, but they are on the wrong track.

Instead they should ask questions that relevant… I wonder why they don’t think to answer relevant questions.

Questions like what happens when a really smart man has a daughter? How come that women, in general, are less capable, less able to make it in the world?

And the answer doesn’t live in the brain: it lives in the DNA.

Children inherit a combination of their parents’ DNA. A child can be smart, even brilliant as a potential, socialization will force a female child to shut down their capacities to please the parent, especially the mother, and dumb herself down.

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Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

This is a long article, and a work in progress… I am still working out this whole issue: I guess it is my life’s work. So if occasionally I don’t make sense, cut me some slack, will you? If I jump around… please just know that eventually I’ll say what I need to say, and I’ll make sense.

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.
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Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

Everyone can get to the good life, but not everyone will get to the good life. Why? Because not everyone is willing to do what they need to do to get to the good life.
Tai Lopez said that. What he didn’t say: you need to go beyond where you are comfortable, so you’ll need a second wind.

And it is true on certain conditions.
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What determines how you and your life turn out?

What is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude?

As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated with what you see.

The two sides:

what you see, or the way the world occurs to you

your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes: your world

the two sides are like the front of the hand and the back of the hand, connected, inseparable, but yet distinct.
Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

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