Tag Archives: Drawing

Guidance, oracle… the final interpretation is up to you

It’s Tuesday and Rob Brezsny’s syndicated horoscopes landed in my inbox.

I read mine, and my blood turned cold.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the coming weeks, you might want to read the last few pages of a book before you decide to actually dive in and devour the whole thing. I also suggest you take what I just said as a useful metaphor to apply in other areas. In general, it might be wise to surmise the probable outcomes of games, adventures, and experiments before you get totally involved. Try this fun exercise: Imagine you are a psychic prophet as you evaluate the long-range prospects of any influences that are vying to play a role in your future.
Fear. Fear that I am working on something that is going to turn out not what I want.

Very scary… in spite of the fact that I experiment all the time. That I rarely make a binding commitment to any path until it is already bringing its results.

I don’t set goals… and don’t commit to outcomes.

And yet, the fear was paralyzingly strong…
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Are you teachable?

I help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?
This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable.
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Stuck in a rut? Would you like to find your way out?

Stuck in a rut? Would you like to find your way out?

First off: You are not alone.

My coaches, mentors, teachers, friends, and clients are stuck too, from time to time.

Take one of my teachers: she has been dealing with some downward spirals, that completely felt as something that has no solution.

Their expensive, and almost brand new RV suddenly needed major repair, and the funds weren’t there.

To add insult to injury, there started to be some legal issues, then health issues… so it looked bleak, and devastating.

In our conversation I went through a series of tools I have in my tool-box… and when I got to the question: do you know the 9-dot exercise, the light bulb went off for my teacher, and she came up with a solution that, if not solved it, made the situation bearable.

So what is this tool box, and what do the 9 dots mean? How can YOU use this to get out of a predicament, a situation that seems to have no solution:

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Make your plane go where you want it to go… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane go where you want it to go…

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip?
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