Tag Archives: driftwood

Want to know what is their soul’s purpose? Why?

 People (you?) want to know what is their soul’s purpose so they can start to live the life of their dreams. They are waiting to do the right thing… but there is a problem.

If and when the right thing comes along, will you be ready for it?

It has taken me 60 years to become ready to do what I do, and although most things are not as complicated and demanding as being a spiritual leader of returning humanity to the Original Design, most things require you to know how to do quite a few things.
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Becoming Like God, Clinging To The Tree of Life

Becoming Like God, Climbing The Tree of Life
This is a very old article. The truth value of this article is only 10%… my newer articles’ truth value is 60%. And yet… this article has elements of truth… 10%…

I wrote it on my birthday in 2011…

There are two fundamental ways to live life, and that reflects in every choice we make, every thought we have, every action we take.

One way is to say: ‘I am all I can be, and my job is to make the best with what I have got. If I choose to grow, I have schools to go to, I have people who know more than I do, and I can learn from them.’ This is the Tree of Knowledge way.

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Second Phase: How Bilocation Saved My Life

One of the new capacities this first phase activation will give you is the capacity to bilocate.

Does bilocation mean that your body and full consciousness will be at two places? No.

Here is what it means:

In your visualizations (necessary for any kind of manifestation, in psycho-cybernetics’ theater of your mind exercises, in every communication with Source) you will be able to push your energy to a different place than where you are, animate it, and be able to view it through your regular eyes and consciousness.
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Finish What You Started, Complete What You Started but didn’t Finish?

… Or how do you destroy your life, little by little…

There is nothing more significant in destroying your self-image than starting something, with all the hopes and aspirations it takes to start something and abandoning in before it is finished.

Even if you knew yourself as a great person deserving of the dream you set out to accomplish with the project, by abandoning it, by leaving it in the middle, you declare yourself as undeserving, someone less than a match to your dreams.
When you don’t finish a project, you set yourself up for more of the same, it is a self-strengthening cycle.
It’s all downhill from there. You continue life with a lot of your life force lost to that incident. Now you know yourself as someone who can’t be counted on. Your experience of yourself is that you are a failure, a wannabe, and you hate yourself.

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How to find your direction?

Summary: One of the most frequent questions people ask or think is: what is my soul’s purpose? what am I supposed to do with my life? How to live on purpose to get fulfillment, and a sense of life well lived? This article contributes the purpose part…

If you want to do this exercise correctly, you need a distance to see the forest for the trees. With distance comes “Witness” and you begin to see, without the constant chatter of the Mind, that tries to tell you what you should see to look good, to be good, to be socially acceptable, to conform to your own expectations of what’s good… all misleading. Your job is to see what is so, not what should be so.

With distance you see even the time-line. Tendencies, trends, inclinations. You can see what was important and what wasn’t.

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Apocalypse: an opportunity to develop some capacities to be ready for anything

This is an article partially rewritten by me. It is from Rob Brezsny from his book, Pronoia… with my notes, annotations…

He describes, through the “apocalypse” the relationship between the pedestrian (driftwood) way of living and the living on the higher floors… pretty much what I teach… Although his language is a lot more lofty, a lot more “spiritual,” but he expresses what I am trying to say, maybe better than I do.

Some “visionaries” and “prophets” expect a huge and sudden shift in the world’s story sometime in the coming years. Most predict that it will be a sudden cascade of events that completely changes everything everywhere.

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The ability to care, the ability to love: why is it that people don’t want it?

Why would a large majority of the human population refuse to receive the DNA upgrade?

In conversations with students, without ever asking their opinion about this, I have formed a view about the reasons why someone would not want the capacities included in the DNA upgrade of September 4.

It is hard to fathom… after all if you have more capacities, you can live more, love more, have more, enjoy more… but no, reality doesn’t work the way of imagination, not at all.

The easiest it is to see this unwillingness when we look at the capacities of love and caring.

Most of humanity lives in a state I call “driftwood.”

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It’s time to laugh… It is all s-h-i-t… bs… deception… illusion… a dream

I am reading a Kindle book, Comets and the Horns of Moses (The Secret History of the World) by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

The book is 700 pages, and hard to read, so I don’t recommend it: I will write about it, it will be as good as reading it. Not here, not now, I first want to finish it, I am 40% through.

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