Tag Archives: effortless abundance

Why isn’t your life changing, in spite of all you do

I have written articles about witnessing, but this is a new (to me) aspect of it, and I consider it my duty to share it.

Why? Because of all the people that I know, only a tiny fragment of them has the habit of witnessing.

What is the principle?
Without witnessing nothing happens.
And I might add, nothing intended happens. Nothing new… Now, is this a rule? Is this really a happening phenomenon?

Happening means that even a Martian with no knowledge of human society, could observe it.

No, it is more in the domain of occurring.

Given that your life’s experience (and your actions) are consistent with the occurring world, even if something happened, it would not make much of a difference for you.
What is the occurring world?
Occurring world is an expression that includes that we have no direct relationship with reality since the introduction and subsequent dominance of the mind.

When you look at a flower, you don’t experience the flower, there is a buffer between you and the flower made by words, made by recognition.

Anything that you don’t recognize doesn’t exist in reality for you.

The famous example from the movie ‘What the bleep do we know?’ when the first Spanish ships arrived to the coast of what we now call America, the natives could not see them. They saw the ripples in the water, but they could not see ships. They hadn’t seen sails, or anything on the water the size of a Santa Maria.

By the time they realized that people were embarking into row-boats, it was too late to put up a really big defense.

I have arguments with really knowledgeable people about water. The more they ‘know’ the less they can see what’s in front of them as real. People experience the taste change of the Energy Water, but their mind can’t wrap their minds around it, so they need to deny it.

So, Occurring World is what happens plus what your mind says about it. If the mind says nothing, then, as far as you are concerned, nothing happened.

Why would the mind say nothing? Because the mind is a stupid computer. Unless you tell it otherwise, it just recycles old useless information.


My chiropractor friend whose car accident and subsequent treatment impaired his ability to perform his job without pain to his hands. He is a chiropractor, and you would think that he would know better.

His hand and wrist hurts, and I offered to give him distant healing.

I told him to do it at a set time, so he can witness it.

What happens in a healing session like this?

I sit down and connect. I feel his body, his emotions, and I just sit and experience being him.

Then I download the Heaven on Earth, the Energizer, and a few of the stronger Intelligent Energies I like to use in healing.

I closely observe what each download reveals. Each release a layer of resistance, a layer of tension, and in about five minutes I always manage to get to a picture of what is fundamentally off, dislocated, sprained, overstretched,
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Something interesting happened on my way to the top…

Warning: this article is written in a stream of consciousness way… and I am unwilling to rewrite it to prose… Let’s see if you can follow me to the rabbit hole… lol
Last week was quite uneventful, as far as drama goes.

No “attacks” from the Dark Side, no big drama anywhere. Things were flowing.

My new book, Effortless Abundance is drawing good reviews, and I am writing the sequel.

We’ve made a major discovery: a missing piece no one suspected, to raising your vibration.

Until last night.

There is this marketing master I have befriended. Our whole relationship has been going on quite public, and I didn’t care. Then he sent my a private email, and sent me one of his ebooks he sells for money.

At first I didn’t want to read it. Then I read it, but was very uncomfortable with it.

It felt like this guy is condescending to me.

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Your Dark Side is the time you spend in your mind… Amazing video

If you read my last article, you saw that I was offering a buy 1 get 1 free on my Heaven on Earth and my Mini Energizer products. Normal. Nothing special…

Except 10 minutes after I pushed the publish button I got an email from a student of mine saying that she never felt anything taking the Heaven on Earth and the Mini Energizers didn’t do anything for her either.

Really bad news. Until yesterday I never heard anyone complain, instead I have gotten a lot of raving testimonials and thank you notes.

What could be the reason nothing works for this student and what could I do to change that?

I was connecting and connecting and connecting to Source to get some answer, but I could see no clarity.

So today, instead of doing the scheduled drill on the drill call, I did a conversation with a group of ten students to get to the bottom of it.

What is being revealed on this call is amazing, creates a whole new way to look at what we are doing here.

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For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else, Except That Not Always. What is a paradigm?

For You Everything Is The Same As Everything Else, Except That Not Always

The statement in the title used to be the koan trainers used to scream, whisper, yell, raucously laugh saying… in the Forum, which eventually became the Landmark Forum.

Of course it didn’t make any sense, because it doesn’t, no, not really. The moment it makes sense it is a lie. This is the case with every insight: the moment the mind gets hold of it, it turns it into a rule, incorporates into its fix-it paradigm, and there goes the magic of it.

With that said, let me share something that shook me to the core today (I get shaken by insights, that’s how MY machine works… lol)

Whether you know it or not, I have been offering, free, three weekly sessions of a training called “Drill calls.”

Originally these were the “let me check your connection to Source” calls, but I found out that connecting to Source has almost no value unless it comes from a healthy place.

There was no person on those calls that came from a healthy place.

All came from the mind, the let’s fix what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with them, what’s wrong with the world paradigm.

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Have Effortless Abundance

Sounds like an oxymoron, right?

After all unless you inherited your fortune or still live in the 4-star service environment of the womb… there is no such a thing… at least most of us don’t know about it.

I surely didn’t set out with that goal: creating effortless abundance.

Neither effortless nor abundance is part of my upbringing.

In fact I grew up to work hard (effort) and do not waste.

We were poor for a while, and my father never forgot that. But somehow, I became a hoarder.

I got beaten for it, but it didn’t stop me from doing it: hoarded the newspaper, the TV magazine, my mother’s manicure set… whatever I used, I wanted to own it, have instant unlimited access to it.

I lived in lack. It wasn’t real, but it was as real as if I were starving: it was my reality.

I wanted everything. I wanted to taste everything too… so I tasted and purged.

I was very protective of my time too: I would go to sleep around the time my parents left work, sleep through dinner and TV, and get up after they went to bed, to do my school work.

Sharing? No way.

I kept checks and balances and was very sensitive to be always around a balance: another scarcity tactic.

I didn’t have the goal to have abundance, and I didn’t have the goal to have an effortless life.

I remember 1987: just after the big stock market crash in October I lost my freelance job as an architect. I just bought a car, and spent all my savings on that. I was literally penniless.

I was let go between two sessions of a seminar called “More Money Workshop”

It taught that there is nothing missing unless you say so. Hm, that was really new to me. I started to practice not saying so… I never considered changing my mind, I was really hellbent on surviving this unemployment phase without my mind going with it.

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Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?

Your current core identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?
I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is ‘worthless piece of junk = unwanted’. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is closer to ‘nothing’ than anything, by the way. But in English, I am afraid, that won’t communicate. ‘I am nothing’, does it communicate? It doesn’t seem to have the same emotional impact on me…

From time to time I notice it ‘informing my mood, informing my actions.’

I found a blog that I enjoy reading. The writer of the blog is intelligent, inventive, and although we have a different base world view (he prays, I don’t) I like his blog a lot. I researched him this morning. All the pictures on his blog are white folks… turns out he is a good looking Black guy from Florida.
Hm. What must be his ‘core’ identity that he won’t show his face on his blog?

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Energy Remedies

Energy audios that make Energy Remedies at home

Bright Focus Activator Contains the 40 Bach Energies, the Unconditional Love Activator Bundle, and all the second and third phase activators. It gives you the ability to direct your attention, while you take it. Many people think and complain that they have ADD but it’s not true: they are undisciplined, totally allowing the stimuli from outside to direct their attention and their lives.
Effortless Abundance Activator Exact same elements as the Bright Focus. It is up to you what context you take a remedy in. If you want to increase your attention to activities that make money, reduce your resistance to doing what works, then you want to have the Effortless Abundance as your context.
Heaven on Earth Audio Contains the 40 Bach Energies to remove the negative traits that keep you in stitches, keep you from breathing, keep you from letting go, keep you from picking your battles.
Sleep Rescue Activator Same exact formulation as the Heaven on Earth… just gives you focus on calming you down so you can sleep and wake up rested and ready
Unconditional Love Activator Contains the 40 Bach Energies and the Energies of the Unconditional Love Activator. Its primary action is to remove your horizontal attachments, so you can have a sense of yourself independent of what others say, what others think, what others want, what others consider your job is in life. You can become free and start loving yourself. All those people and their opinion separates you from you… This remedy, while you take it, attempts to restore that connection between you and you.
Wake up Productive Activator Same exact formulation as the Effortless Abundance Activator… but makes you pay attention to your sleep, your dreams. Much of your guidance happens through dreams. This remedy allows you to get more of those.Another aspect of this remedy: during the night, if you sleep unconsciously, your mind returns you to your base line… which is not wanting to do anything, being hopeless and ambition-less. This remedy keeps your “pilot light” on so you can remember who you are and what you are up to when you wake up… so you can jump-start your day, and not lose half of your life to aimlessness.

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Procrastinator Doom Loop… How to beat it with energy

Is your not doing the thing procrastination? Can you beat it?

Delaying hard work is all about your mood… or how you feel.

As I have written earlier, the biggest problem with today’s humanity is that we think that our feelings need to match what we want to do.
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Who is running your life, the entrepreneur you or who?

Just like a company, shrinking looks like a good way to increase profitability.

But business may be (it isn’t) about profitability, but life isn’t.

When someone asks me what is the surest path to Expanding Human Being, I always bring up Bob the Butler. Or the quote and principle from the Neal Stephenson book: Diamond Age. Start living an interesting life. When your goal is not to win every step of the way, it is not to shrink to the size that you can manage, but to grow through trials and failures to the sky: i.e. an interesting life.

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What is The Creator that loves you unconditionally?

Summary: In this article I am going to illustrate to you how something evolves, as opposed to being born…

I will illustrate to you the thought process it takes to move something from good to better to better and even better… There is no such thing as best in this thought process. This is the foundation of an Expanding Human Being: there is no limit to expanding, neither in the mind nor in the reality of the Original Design. And I’ll share the breakthrough we had in raising your vibration.

When I came to this country at age 38, I was much like you in a lot of ways. One of the thngs that I remember vividly is my relationship to improvement. If a product label said “improved”, my thought was “that means it wasn’t good before, and probably isn’t good now… so I won’t get it.”I still lived in the mind, and the mind does not like improvement, it doesn’t like change. If something is good, then it is good, no need for improvement… Bah humbug.
When I was an architecture students, I learned two things that became totally useful regardless of the field I applied them. One of these is what I learned from my famed History of Architecture professor: He shared that when he graduated as an architect, he went to work in a theater, instead of the field of design or construction.

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