Tag Archives: effortless abundance

How do you avoid feeling like a victim though it feels true?

How do you avoid feeling like a victim and take responsibility when clearly something was done to you?
Summary: Lifesaving method of taking back your power from anything or anyone, including yourself. It removes judgment, it removes blame, and returns you to living powerfully

I don’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this, but it is clearly needed. When I teach responsibility from the height of ‘I got this handled’ no one seems to be getting it.

So here is my opportunity to teach it from the trenches, as I am going through the struggle myself.

Here is what happened:

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Molecules of Emotion… Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions… but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling.

Our language doesn’t keep up with the emotions: just like we don’t have words for the billions of colors that can be created with the four base colors of light, red, blue and yellow… and of course white… we don’t have accurate words for the feelings that are a combination, an energetic combination of base feelings.

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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie

Warning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core.

A society or a species that can have coherence and maintain that coherence is a species that survives most any calamity.

If you want to destroy a species (or and individual) you need to introduce incoherence.

Incoherence means: stuff is there that doesn’t fit. That doesn’t work well with the rest of the organism. That conflicts with the goals of the organism.

How is incoherence introduced?

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Updated: If your vibration is under 200

Before I let you use any of my products, your purchase needs to get approved by me. Why? Because most people don’t understand that not everything is going to work for them. They like something and they want it… then they will return it because it won’t do what I promised.

All promises are conditional. Just like weight loss products are conditional on your eating and exercising changes… If you don’t keep your end of the deal, the deal is off.

The only part I have control over is your vibration when you make the purchase. If your vibration is under a certain level, the product you bought won’t work for you. That simple…. Low vibrational level is also expressed by a lack of intelligence. Most people buy products without asking for their vibration to be measured… And then I have to disappoint them because they can’t have what they ordered. Please don’t be one of those… Get your vibration measured by me for a small donation.

What works for people with a vibration under 200? Or at the minimum 170

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What is the secret formula of accomplishment? Money, health, loving relationships?

Summary: In this article I am attempting to make the impossible possible, the unlikely likely… making great white sharks from minnows… to awaken the spirit dormant within you.

There is a “secret” formula, hiding in plain sight… But you can only see what your societally established filters allow through. Let us see, if I can break through, and show you the secret, so you can, finally, start accomplishing stuff… instead of being a permanent failure.

Warning: don’t miss the footnotes: in this article they are especially important!

To get anything of value accomplished one needs

work and one needs

tools and skills. One also needs an environment (context) where

one’s purpose makes sense, and seems possible, seems doable to the person intending the accomplishment.

it is supported by the environment (context) and doable.

And one needs other people that make it possible to do more than just take care of life, taking care of the basics of life, so one has time for an accomplishment, outside of the basics of life.

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Without integrity nothing works…

I know you can’t feel anything, you have told me enough times. But if you considered that it isn’t true, that you feel, but aren’t conscious of it, that you suppress your feelings because they are unpleasant, then you could glean powerful guidance by your unpleasant feelings, if you could make yourself start to feel them.

Today I’d like to talk about the feelings that are like a ding, diiing, diiiing or a squeeze, squeeeeze, sqeeeeeeeeze. Don’t laugh, it is really difficult to create written symbols for feelings, music would be much better… but this should do. The feeling comes on sharply, and then it becomes dull, and duller…

You either feel it in your heart (that is where I feel it) or in your stomach. And yet other people feel it in the tightening of their throat. These are the three categories that I have distinguished, but it could be that you actually physically trip, feel weakness, or nausea.

We are going to hunt for feelings, but first we need to recognize them, so we’ll do an experiment first.

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What is consciousness? What is vibration? What am I measuring?

I have done hardly any research for this article. This is what I teach, this is what I’ve gleaned in my 25 years as a coach, and a few years as a conscious empath.

Grammatically there is the adjective: conscious, there is the adverb: consciously, and then there is the noun: consciousness.

This article will mainly deal with the noun: consciousness.

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Your current “core” identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?

I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is “worthless piece of junk = unwanted”. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is closer to “nothing” than anything, by the way. But in English, I am afraid, that won’t communicate. “I am nothing”, does it?

From time to time I notice it “informing my mood, informing my actions.”

I found a blog that I enjoy reading. The writer of the blog is intelligent, inventive, and although we have a different base world view (he prays, I don’t) I like his blog a lot. I researched him this morning. All the pictures on his blog are white folks… turns out he is a good looking Black guy from Florida.

Hm. What must be his “core” identity that he won’t show his face on his blog?

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Coming from vs Going to

Summary: from the comments and email I am getting it is clear that the concept of starting with HAPPY is totally inconceivable to most of you. In my response to a comment I managed to express the essence of it: It is like the skin color you have, it is part of you.
“In the HAPPY I advocate, where you start with HAPPY, stay HAPPY, end HAPPY. It’s not a result. It is who you are. You do what needs to get done to grow, and you are HAPPY while doing it. You are not “happy” to do it, that would be something else again. You are HAPPY, just like you don’t change your skin color according to the type of task you do in life. You stay white, or pink, or yellow, or black… whatever you started with.

It is as if you said “I am white” if you were born white. And then you live according to that.”

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How do you avoid feeling like a victim and take responsibility when clearly something was done to you?

Summary: Lifesaving method of taking back your power from anything or anyone, including yourself. It removes judgment, it removes blame, and returns you to living powerfully
I don’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this, but it is clearly needed. When I teach responsibility from the height of “I have this handled” no one seems to be getting it.

So here is my opportunity to teach it from the trenches, as I am going through the struggle myself.

Here is what happened:

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