Tag Archives: effortless abundance

Wholistic approach to abundance… what does that mean?

What is wholistic? What does it mean?
You may have noticed, that I am now calling the Effortless Abundance Activator, at least some of the time, the Wholistic Abundance Activator.

Why am I doing that? Why am I suddenly calling the activator wholistic?

Let me give you a little background and history: Of all the complaints people have, the biggest is money. Somehow it seems to people that if they had money, all the other problems could or would disappear.

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What is Abundance, really?

Abundance , the word, is abused in this day and age. It’s been twisted to mean stuff, it’s been twisted to mean plenty. It is twisted as something to come from the outside. It is made to mean something that you can’t have unless you “attract” it.. But the word abundance means fulfilling completely its purpose, its real purpose.

The same dastardly thing was done to the word “good” as well. In the case of good, morality was added, in the case of abundance, stuff was added. Now you are totally screwed, no place to go, and I haven’t even mentioned beautiful…

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Why aren’t the gurus happy? Why is it that they smile outwardly but burn in hell inwardly? Is Christie Marie Sheldon happy?

There are two categories of gurus:

they actually have something to offer that is valuable… or had at some point.

they never had anything to offer, they are pretenders, fake, marketeers

I will address only the first group throughout this article… why bother writing about the ones that have nothing and had nothing… ever.

Now, if you had something of value to offer: why would you live in hell? Especially if the “product” you sell is how to happy, how to be prosperous, how to be connected, well, blah blah blah.

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Effortless Abundance… finally an activator for that… I’ve made it wholistic

Effortless Abundance or Wholistic Abundance

From time to time I have famous gurus contacting me for a vibrational reading, and from time to time they want to work with me, meaning, they want me to teach them.

Now, the first price to pay, when you come to me, is your notion that you know something, and that what you know is true… and that you only need to add to that knowledge to be all you could be.

Especially, if you are someone who teaches others what you know, and they pay you handsomely, or not handsomely, but pay you.

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The Bottomless Pit that Greed is

Nature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least for the naked eye…

When it comes to energy and No membrane to speak of, like when we energize water, where you put water in small bottles and water in a large container together, the higher energy part will entrain the other to its own energy… vibration if you wish.
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The Path To Abundance… Much like an obstacle course…

In this series of articles I’d like to share how the Abundance Activator is changing my life

But instead of starting at the end, or even in the middle, first, let me give you a brief history on the activators.

Last year, during a Connecting to Source webinar session, we, my students and I, experienced a tremendous vertical beam of Light Energy, wide and strong, and a horizontal sheet of energy broadcast… unlike ever before. It was the most magnificent experience I had ever experienced.

The state was steady and totally blissful. I could sustain it for about 6 minutes, then it became so strong, that I felt that any minute I was going to disappear into the Light… and the thought: “I am not done here,” brought me back.

Since then I have been able to connect that way at will, though each time I need to sit, deal with the fear that “this time I am not going to able to connect…”, pull all my power within to be calm and centered enough to connect on that level.

I lovingly call the state of being connected this vertical and horizontal way the Avatar State.

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Abundance: finally I figured out how to teach you!

I have been promising for months to come out with an abundance product of my own. But, as you already know, I am not into repeating what other people have said, and I did not have enough data, enough personal experience to teach anything useful to you.

I have been experiencing abundance for quite some time, and one-sentence in an Osho book, I got into complete and irrevocable abundance. But most of it was unconscious, I failed to witness the process, and therefore there was nothing I could have taught then.

But today I had a sudden flash of insight: you can’t teach the mindset, you can only teach what to remove…

Just like in most any issue that plagues a human being, the only effective and non-symptomatic approach is to remove what is unnaturally there, so one can return to the natural state of a human, which is health, joy, and abundance.

And because what’s been happening in the past ten days, I am starting to see what I am going through, and therefore I am starting to see what I can teach.

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What is Abundance?

Let me set up this article for you, so you get how I got to where I got to:

1. I am a movie buff. I know movies, I understand movies, and people love to follow my recommendations. I find hidden gems, And I find the hidden gem in movies most people miss.

2. I have a report, Effortless Abundance and an Avatar State audio that I’d like you to have, so I wanted to write an article to promote it. As usual, the gestation period for an article is quite long: I have been carrying this one in my belly for quite some time.

3. I have been pondering the difference between individual and personality

4. I have been receiving angry emails from a person that can’t accept that you need extrinsic values in life in addition to intrinsic… he is really angry. I only read every 15th or so of the emails, but the depth of his anguish reaches me whenever I see his name. Poor kid.

5. Ever since I published the article on moochers I’ve been watching people’s reluctance to produce or even to commit to any results.

As you can see, writing an article is not a two-bit thing, even if it comes out, occasionally, two-bit sounding.
OK, now, here is the meat…

There is a movie I have already written about, before I started this site, yourvibration.com. The movie is Gloomy Sunday, a Hungarian movie, made in 1999.

The story is about three people, two men and a woman. The woman loves both men. Both men die, one commits suicide, the other perishes in a concentration camp for Jews. The woman, some 40 years later, poisons the German that deceived her and deported her lover.

I cry every time I think of that movie. And ever since I first saw it, some two years ago, I cry every time I think of it, the victory of the final act of revenge.

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