Tag Archives: Emotional Guidance Scale

Case Study: Abraham Channeled by Esther Hicks. Feel better vs. Raise Your Vibration

Feel better vs. Raise Your Vibration
Please remember that this whole series of case studies is interested in one aspect: does the modality raise your vibration permanently. Or only teaches you to feel better temporarily… That is the only criteria that I examine here.

Why? Because there are plenty of feel better, flash-in-the-pan modalities out there that enslave you.

What do I mean?

Let me give you an example: A friend of mine ran his idea by me today: he wants to offer an on-demand coaching service, where people pay a monthly retainer fee and then a per-minute fee when they call for a coaching session.

What’s predictable is that the same people will call about the same issues, over and over. And unless he does something beyond solving the issue at hand, he will have to deal with the same thing over and over again. They will feel better for a little while, but the same thing will come back again and again.

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How to take care of your emotions, the emotions that take care of you?

What takes care of you… that you can take care of?

I have told you how enamored I am with the principle “take care of what takes care of you.”

What I don’t elaborate about in that article, is how do you know if something takes care of you or not. How do you know if you CAN take care of something or not?

Especially because many modalities ask you to stop thinking, for example. Can you do that?
Or they ask you to think positive… don’t even sin in your thoughts, feel different, be happy, be appreciative, and things like that.

Do you have the power to take care of those?
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Emotions are like firestorms, they cause incoherence, and are the most manipulated aspects of a human

The best way to examine whether emotions give you a reliable internal guidance system is looking at the flip side of emotions.

In emotional terms, for example, love’s opposite is hate, disgust, being appalled, repelled. But if you look at your emotions, these opposites are right there, right behind the emotion: love… They come together like the front of your hand and the back of your hand. You are in perpetual ambivalence, yoyo-ing back and forth, ups and downs, and incoherence.

Love, the one that vibrates at 525 or so, is not an emotion. Love is a commitment to love.

Love is a commitment to accept another human exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren’t. Whether they do the right thing, love you back, chew their food with their mouth open, lower back the lid on the toilet, or leave the top off the tooth paste.

Commitment. Not a promise, a commitment.

No ifs, no buts, no conditions.

No action necessary, just acceptance.

No show of love, no giving till it hurts, no nice talk… those are not part of love, they are societal demands.

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