Tag Archives: emotional toxin

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?
The Heaven on Earth energy bundle (the homeopathic energies of the 40 bad feelings) infused in water contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download, coming straight from Source.

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Healing Crisis, Healing Events

We suppress our emotions. Many of us don’t even breathe: we can’t because our chest isn’t willing to move any more, because we have put so much toxins into our muscles.

Suppressing is toxic. The opposite of suppressing is not “full expression” as it is in vogue to say, meaning becoming a raving maniac, the opposite of suppressing is allowing, feeling, being “with” it=being well while you are feeling bad..

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