Tag Archives: Emotions

Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?

Most people have one or two tools in their tool box… And what is even stranger: they don’t want any more. Why?

Some of you cannot deal with complexity, and therefore you will deny your right to feel feelings. And some of you will indulge your feelings and never look, never ask any probing questions that could let you see what is really going on…

What am I talking about?

In the Playground program, always starting new groups, we attempt to bring clarity to life, we attempt to reclaim our power over our lives by separating what life seems to be, what seems to be happening in many different ways. One of these is having a “reality” side, everything a Martian could see or detect, and another that is all words.
Read the rest of the article –>

I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson. Here is a 60% truth value video

Yesterday I found a quote that shook me to my core… So I want to start with that. You could say: that quote accurately expresses my attitude about life… and I am moved by that

It is 60% truth value, not because 40% of it is not true, but because it doesn’t quite distinguish the path, doesn’t look at the invisible dynamics of life it a way, that people can catch themselves as they make themselves miserable…

It is never circumstances, nor other people that make you miserable, it is your inability: lack of distinctions, to see exactly what creates your attitude and behavior.

You can’t catch what you can’t see! And lack of distinction is the cause of it.
Distinction is the ability to tell two things apart, even if and when they are very similar.
Until you can… and to the degree that you can’t… everything is the same for you as everything else… you are a bumbling idiot when it comes to life.
Read the rest of the article –>

Your life script and how to change it so you start getting what you want?

Success or Failure in life… where do they come from? Do you ever ponder that question? How come some people are successful and others are not, even though seemingly they do the same things?

Consider this: The mind is a pattern creator. It is not interested, fundamentally unconcerned about your thriving or success, it is interested in surviving itself and once survived, staying the same. It creates the beginnings of a pattern every time you survive. And it continues to do so till you die. That’s why behavior scientists say it takes 21 days to change a behavior: a new pattern needs to be created.
Some patterns are deeper than others…

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How words create and sustain emotions… Emotional Intelligence Part 3

Unfortunately for you, your emotions determine the quality of your life.

If you haven’t, please read part one –> and part two –> first…

‘They’ teach you to try to only have positive emotions, but guess what… you only try to have positive emotions on the top of negative ones…

The less emotions you have the higher the quality of your life… Surprised? It’s true.

Imagine you are a baby… You are happy. You are just here to eat and poop.

There is nothing you can or even have to do for yourself, you completely rely on other people, for security, for comfort, for sustenance, to clean you up… everything. Continue reading How words create and sustain emotions… Emotional Intelligence Part 3

The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

This is part two of an article I started yesterday –>

I have a client whose soul correction is Fear/Fearless. She asked me how to get rid of that fear.

She is young, she is impressionable, and she acts fearful. She will have a lot of problems in life from that: it will keep her a child needing protection, someone else to look out for her.

Not what Life wants her to be.

Your soul correction is a particular way you lean away from Life, you turn away from Life: you don’t take responsibility and accountability for yourself and your life.

Life whats what Hillel the elder said some 2100 years ago:

If you are not for you, who is for you?

In this article we’ll examine what is ‘being for yourself’ means… be prepared to be surprised, my students were when they found out. Continue reading The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two