Tag Archives: energy Remedy

Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, being or getting stuck

I am in a state that can be compared to the cocoon state. I intend to emerge on the other side as a butterfly.

Wasn’t I a butterfly before? Who knows. But humans don’t live a day or two, like butterflies, and they have more stages than butterflies.

When you grow (if you grow) spiritually your growth pattern is much like…

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The new worry epidemic

This article is long… the original writer was probably paid for each word… In spite of my intent to edit it, I could not make it shorter.

The gist of it is that instead of using our god given ability to think to think things through, to plan, to prevent, we use it instead to worry… Worry is unproductive and makes absolutely no difference. In fact, it makes you stupid… Very stupid, unprepared, make emotional decisions, avoid action… in simple terms, to become a Shrinking Human… instead of an Expanding Human Being.

Oh, and it also makes you sick… if being sick and stupid with worry weren’t enough.

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Raise your vibration? It’s a Hero’s Journey

If you are here, I know a thing or two about you.

One of the most important things I know is that you are smart. That you have earned to be here. You have tried a lot of other teachers or gurus or methods or tools to get what you want: more energy, better decisions, more love, more peace, a sense of meaning in your life.

There is no way to throw a dart and get to the right solution, every mistake you make, every wrong turn, wrong decision, believing false promises, falling pray to money-sucking gurus or cults have caused you to get here, zig-zag.

The more often you have been disappointed, the more hopeless it seemed, the more of your funds were eaten up, the smarter you have become, and the more ready you have become to actually see your way, do your work. You haven’t given up. Good.
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How do you avoid feeling like a victim though it feels true?

How do you avoid feeling like a victim and take responsibility when clearly something was done to you?
Summary: Lifesaving method of taking back your power from anything or anyone, including yourself. It removes judgment, it removes blame, and returns you to living powerfully

I don’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this, but it is clearly needed. When I teach responsibility from the height of ‘I got this handled’ no one seems to be getting it.

So here is my opportunity to teach it from the trenches, as I am going through the struggle myself.

Here is what happened:

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Molecules of Emotion… Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions… but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling.

Our language doesn’t keep up with the emotions: just like we don’t have words for the billions of colors that can be created with the four base colors of light, red, blue and yellow… and of course white… we don’t have accurate words for the feelings that are a combination, an energetic combination of base feelings.

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Pimples, acne, and other unsightly or itchy skin troubles

Humans, are smarter than animals. On the other hand, they are ignoring their cellular intelligence… that has as much knowledge as their mind.

Animal species have survived because they adapted to circumstances, and because only the strongest specimen of each species was allowed to multiply.

Let’s talk about adaptation.

It’s 94 degrees in Syracuse today, and I don’t have air conditioner.

So how do I survive? How am I well regardless of the circumstances?

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Your emotional baseline and your chances for success

I read a very interesting article today. It is about being able to predict from how you were as a baby and toddler your chances for success, your chances for being smart, your chances for aberrant, deviant behavior, like crime or addictions.

And although most of you, if you read it, will be resigned to how you turned out, or alternatively argue till you are hoarse with the predictions, there is a more constructive way to read the article: get guidance.

Of course, if you are already having trouble in life, you are habitually relating to everything as a good reason to get depressed, turn to the bottle, get angry, or eat more m&m’s, but if you are not quite there, there is the guidance I recommend that you get:

All of those signs you demonstrated as a toddler are correctable by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you have a propensity for being impatient, wanting immediate gratification, not being able to hang in there and do what you need to do even if it is tedious, or unsuccessful at the moment, the Bach Flower Energy Impatience will increase your capacity for more patience, so you can actually get something done, learn something, hang in there.

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What is the most important thing in life?

The “culture” we live in, the mind-meme that is the dominant influencer of our emotions, our actions, our decisions in life says: the most important thing in life is fitting in, taking care of your loved ones, to be loved, to belong.

Sounds so nice, doesn’t it? Sounds like that is what will cause our species to survive, that is what is going to cause us to be happy.

Let’s examine if it, in fact, contributes to happiness, and to the survival of the species… i.e. if it contributes to personal growth, personal evolution, because any species that its members don’t grow or can’t grow is declining and dying.

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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie

Warning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core.

A society or a species that can have coherence and maintain that coherence is a species that survives most any calamity.

If you want to destroy a species (or and individual) you need to introduce incoherence.

Incoherence means: stuff is there that doesn’t fit. That doesn’t work well with the rest of the organism. That conflicts with the goals of the organism.

How is incoherence introduced?

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The “Empath” Gravy Train

First off: what is an empath, what is empathy?

Empathy is innate to humans… it gets killed, mostly, in childhood… but it is still there, dormant. Empathy, like caring, seems to be a threat to most humans, it seems that to care, or feel another’s pain robs you of your power to take care of yourself first. It is a DS suggestion, it’s not true. Even feeling caring or empathy, the choice of action is yours…

An empath is someone who can direct their attention and feel someone’s feeling, physical or emotional, accurately, at will. It is rare, and most empaths are unconscious, unaware that they are feeling someone else’s feelings. I don’t know any other conscious and highly evolved empaths, and muscle test says there isn’t any other alive at this point in time, it’s just me.

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