Tag Archives: ess

What is the technology of personal evolution…

I have said, in another article, that what is “normal” for a vehicle for the selfish gene (a human), is to move to and then stay in an ess.

Evolutionary stable strategy. Where life works relatively smoothly.
If you listen to the genes, you’ll live that way, you live in an ess.
Your job, your family, your health, your thinking are all in an ess… You don’t grow, you survive. You get up in the morning because you didn’t die the night before. It is probably boring, and you are probably sick, dumb, and poor. Or maybe not. It pretty much depends on what you start with.

That is how most people live, and it has a pull that is very strong.

You don’t rock the boat. You make do. You may do stupid things, and they likely take you downwards, towards gravity.

Now, it is obvious that this is not the path of creating epigenetic shifts toward living a life worth living. Not for me, not for the spirit, not for the soul. It is the ideal life for the selfish gene.

But Life wants more life, and the ess way of living results in less life.
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How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?

It’s Saturday. The only reason I know it is Saturday because tomorrow I’ll have the first session of Version 2 of the muscle testing course.

And I am afraid. Normal. Anything new, anything threatening with unexpected unknowns creates fear. Normal.

So I stayed in semi-sleep mode an hour longer than my normal getup time… Looking.

I looked at all the relevant invisible elements of my life, to see where I can influence this fear… and how. Not that fear is bad… but I prefer life with less fear.
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Can you connect to Source through imagining connecting?

I did the first session of the Muscle testing course, version 2 yesterday.

There was a lot of things to unlearn and relearn for the students, things can and do prevent one from being effective in life.

Tons of the memes, everything and its opposite, no clarity.

What is Source. Where is the knowledge coming from when we muscle test for the truth? Is truth stagnant, the same today as it was yesterday? Does anything remain the same as it was yesterday?

The most successful people on earth know that only physical laws, the laws of physics apply here, and you can deal with the rest as appearances. A mirage. Maya. Not solid.
That nothing happens until someone does something… The law of cause and effect.
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Reframing… She is a person! OMG.

Refraiming, or looking at things in a different context is one of the tools you have available to you when you raise your vibration.

Ultimately, the most accurate description or definition of higher vibration is that the vibration number expresses the height from where you look at events, ideas…

The higher you are the less personal it becomes.
The higher you are the less the desire trap will rob you of being able to see that A is A…
The higher you are the more options you see.
The higher you are the more you can see what bigger thing you can accomplish while you are taking care of things…
And of course the higher you are the more ready you are to look at things through different frames and actually see something different.

Some of these new frames, when you first get to look through them, are dramatic. Upsetting. Revolutionary.

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Reframing… Label of ethnicity or cultural origin

One of the things that came up in the Muscle Testing Course is ethnicity.

Ethnicity is “the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.”

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Reframing: What is your higher power?

Frame: Your higher power?

Back in 1988 I had an emotional meltdown. I suddenly remembered things from my childhood.

I was suggested by someone in Landmark that it would be beneficial for me to join an ACOA group. Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I did. I had clear signals that I belonged. #1 of the identifying features of ACOA people is “I don’t know who I am”.

Anyway, an ACOA group is not a fun place.
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Reframing: How old are you being?

Raising your vibration, raising your coherence is your job. With my help. The helping is my job.

I am experiencing a blissful period in my work.

I personally experience seeing things from a higher place and in a richer way.
I also experience that suddenly more of my students are getting coherent than normal… than before.

Someone said: when you succeed you celebrate, when you fail you ponder.
But a really successful person ponders, no matter what.

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Reframing: Are you happy?

I am always looking for guidance from whatever is giving guidance.

I am also looking for confirmation. My mind is a meaning making machine, like yours, and I catch myself looking for meaning in everything.

I am like a GPS… in order for the GPS give you accurate actions, it needs to know where you are at.

I am looking for the GPS function, the locating function part of the guidance. I am an experimenter, and I am aware, what can be easier, right?
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Reframing: is losing weight hard? is it hard work?

I wrote this article in 2017. It has some truth, but not all that much… I am fat again, and the weight, this time, doesn’t want to move. I don’t walk… so take it with a grain of salt… Please.


I went grocery shopping today on my own. I was carrying some 20 lbs of groceries up the steps to get home.

This was the first time in maybe 6-7 years. I don’t drive. So I walked and took the bus and walked some more.
Why am I doing this?
Life tends to make us soft, complacent, comfortable, and comfortable people don’t grow, don’t evolve. In fact they devolve, they shrink.

So when I first had this brought to my attention, in one of the steps of the 67 steps, I set out to make life and myself comfortable with nob being comfortable… and I started to devise new and newer ways to toughen up.

I keep the house at a steady 47 degrees. I walk. I now walk to get my grocery. I walked this week to get a haircut. I refrain from palliative remedies.

It is a great idea to read Freud’s ‘Civilization and its discontents’ to see what you, humans do to deal with the fact that life is hard.

He says: Life, as we find it, is too hard for us; it brings us too many pains, disappointments and impossible tasks. In order to bear it we cannot dispense with palliative measures
Life is hard, but you can start dealing with life instead of running from the hardness, instead: dealing with the hardness. Dealing with life.
The benefits are immeasurable, whereas the palliative measures benefits are tiny.

One benefit is developing, opening up new spiritual capacities. The ones that will, eventually, lift you to the next evolutionary stage: human being.

When you start directing and controlling your epigenetic shifts where you actually cause your genetics change, its exhilarating. And change you to in ways you have always hoped you would change.

I ran into Leo, my musician friend. I explained to him that carrying those 20 lbs of groceries illustrated to me what it was like to climb the steps a year ago, when I was about 20 lbs heavier. In 18 months I shed 40 lbs.
He said: Losing 40 pounds is hard work.
I said ‘no it isn’t…’ He wanted to know how, and I told him that is what I get paid the big bucks for. He laughed, but it got me thinking.

There is a secret that is worth a lot of money:

As long as you eat food that isn’t compatible with your body and wants more of itself… and as long as you eat in a way that isn’t working for your body, you are going to suffer from deprivation… And although that is not work, not in the strict sense of the word, losing weight while you are dealing with a sense of deprivation, hunger, cravings is hard.

The two components of a successful and easy eating regimen, 1. what you eat, and 2. how you eat are equally important.

I haven’t written about the eating styles lately, even though, I see that eating according to your eating style is about 50% of success.

I am still not 100% adhering to mine, by
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Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?

Your starting point measurements tell me the whole story that you are.
And the picture of putting all those starting point measurements also tells me how humanity as a whole is doing.

Pitiful. But why?

Most people think that what they do when they are at their best, when they go to church in their best church-going outfit, is who they are.

Or the all smiles pictures they post on social media.

What you do, who you are, what you listen to 90% of the time gives you the
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