Tag Archives: fake gurus

I have found a great resource

I am thinking of using Osho’s dynamic meditations to guide people to no-mind. Sneak in a little fun, sneak in physicality, sneak in joy… Instead of the anxiety and seriousness most people relate to the getting-out-of-the-mind issue.

As I was searching to download the music of those great meditations, I found a series of articles and quotes, by Osho, on fake gurus. Here is an article on U.G. Krishnamurti. A few months ago I would not have believed him, but I saw a video on youtube, Krishnamurti on his deathbed, and it was so convincing, that I now believe what Osho says.
Osho Quotes on U G Krishnamurti

Just the other day I was reading a lecture of U. G. Krishnamurti. He says he went to see Ramana Maharshi. He was not attracted — because he was chopping vegetables. Yes, Ramana Maharshi was that kind of man, very ordinary. Chopping vegetables! U. G. Krishnamurti must have gone to see somebody extraordinary sitting on a golden throne or something. Ramana Maharshi just sitting on the floor and chopping vegetables? preparing vegetables for the kitchen! He was very much frustrated.
Then another day he went and saw him reading jokes. Finished for ever! This man knows nothing. This man is very ordinary. He left the ashram; it was not worth it. But I would like to say to you: this man, Ramana Maharshi, is one of the greatest Buddhas ever born to the world. That was his Buddhahood in action!

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Modern gurus: The business of consolation, the business of confirmation

I had a “guru” ask for his vibration today. Nice guy. Low vibration.

Another guru, some 6 years ago told him that there was no need to seek, he could start his own guru business…

Horrible disservice.

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Do you think spirituality, healing, diet, transformation are one size fit most?

One size fits most?

If you think that one diet, one pill, one activator will work for all… then you are as stupid as the medical establishment, and you are as stupid as the marketeers hope that you are.

As simple as that…

In fact, this stupidity is the reason that I can review hundreds of “practitioners” and not find a genuine article… The genuine articles, the people with real talent, real ability, are lost in the shuffle, have given up, can’t make a living, and can’t make a difference. The field is given over to marketeers that are only interested in numbers and in money. And your stupidity caused it… 🙁

If you ever ask the question why I insult you in most every article, I have a reason. If you are a consolation seeker, a positive thinker, an “avoid negativity” junkie, then I want to offend you, and I want you to leave. Why? Because you are hopeless.
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Is science wrong? Are you smarter than scientists? Who should you trust?

This article has a time limited offer at the end… don’t skip it!

It is not enough to call yourself a mad scientist, I learn. You may be mad, but unless you know the scientific methods, you are just mad, playing around.

Science has a bad reputation nowadays, mainly because of two reasons:

1. the public doesn’t know that science is rarely able to get to the cause of anything, so the expectations are too high, the disappointments are too low. it is more comfortable to listen to fake science, fake doctors, fake gurus. At least they don’t make you think.
2. the fact that scientists are not independent of biases, self-interest, and such, renders their results highly dubious, questionable, etc. And in some crucial issues, this threatens the general public, like in the issue of A1 milk, the issue of GMO, the issues of pesticides and other harmful stuff we are forced to eat.

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Human DNA, DNA upgrade… did you get it? Did you want to get it? What the heck is DNA upgrade?

For most of my life I knew I could not care, but no matter how bad it felt, I still could not care. I thought I was the worst person alive, a bad bad bad person. I was sure everybody else could care, only I could not.

I didn’t know, that caring was not part of my DNA. But as I was raising my vibration, at some point I experienced caring, in a way I invented caring. Maybe I wasn’t the first person to care, but I was now part of a very small minority, the people who can care, who can love, who can respect. But I still didn’t know I was different… I thought I just became like everyone else, finally.

For the past 10 years I was trying to teach, train, people to be great, successful, expanding, happy… until I realized that they lacked capacities. Then I tried to activate those missing capacities… but you can’t activate that which you don’t have, doesn’t matter how hard you try. And I tried really hard.

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The Path To Enlightenment, raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

The Brain That Changes Itself Needs You To Teach It First to perform the new action by doing it hundreds of times…

In his book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, a medical doctor, deals with the physical activities, and problem solving abilities of your brain.

In that he says, and shows with valid examples, you find out that the brain demonstrates a certain plasticity, as far as how you can see, feel, or move your body.

What no one is talking about though is what differentiates a human being from a robot or an animal: changing your attention, changing your consciousness also depends on your brain’s ability to change itself.

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Can You Learn Remote Viewing, See Energies, See Auras, Get Guidance? Seeing things that you can’t see?

There is gold in them hills… Remote viewing, guidance, energies…

People are fascinated with remote viewing. They want to learn remote viewing to see ahead in time, and they want to see stuff that they are not supposed to see, or can’t see.

I think that people have a thousand and one reasons, so they buy these courses, to learn remote viewing.

A friend of mine also bought two learn remote viewing courses, and I have borrowed them. I didn’t think it possible, but I managed to see the stuff that I wanted to see. He could not.

This was a year or two ago, and it has always bothered me why one person would see something and another would not. Why one person would see auras, be able to predict your actions, read your mind, see balance, see energy, and another, the majority would not.

So, this morning I was experimenting.

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How the Harmonize The Planet audio also zaps your anxiety

Being here and now has been a favorite topic of all the fake gurus.

What is a guru? A guru is a person who can teach. I said teach, I didn’t say TALK!

All the gurus I know are big talkers.

What is the difference between talking and teaching? On one hand, you can see the results of teaching: if the student is able to be what is being taught, in the domain of being, then teaching and learning took place.

Knowing about something is not real knowledge, it is talking. Just like talking about flying isn’t flying, talking about love isn’t love…

What makes someone able to learn being? After all, when you communicate (talk) being, it is taken up by the mind, and the mind isn’t interested in being, isn’t able to create being. Especially the mind isn’t interested in you being in the here and now.

Many teachers and courses try to bridge from the mind to the being… Affirmations, inauthenticity exercises, psychodrama, inventing a possibility, the solutions that don’t work well can fill a library.

Hypnosis, noise-treatment, light, sound, smell… visualization, psycho this and psycho that.

All have the same shortcomings: unless being is distinguished on a level beyond the mind, there is no learning, no alteration will happen in being.

Some teachings have a little piece here and there that are useful, but there is no system that has ever been successful. Not in the past 2,000 years, or maybe 3,500 years.

In the Path To Enlightenment Course I am attempting to teach what has never been taught: the art of being in the moment.

Now, a few words about that: you can’t teach being straight, directly. The only way to teach being is to distinguish all the wrong ways of being… Just like you can throw a dart and be off the bull’s eye, in being you can be off target in a million and one ways, and not hit the target being.

But so far, I have found, 3-4 different ways to be off-target that can be distinguished and taught, and there are a few indicators that you are off that even you can sense, feel, or see. The mind won’t be useful here…

One of the indicators is anxiety. Anxiety is easy to recognize, even though different people feel anxiety at different parts of their body, anxiety is so widespread, so ubiquitous, that I don’t have to spend much time identifying it with you.

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