Tag Archives: fireplace

Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction

Soul Correction: Stop Fatal Attraction

The cornerstone or linchpin of this correction is trust.

We, humans, have trust such that it has to be earned.

We use trust as a traffic signal: go, stop, or hesitate…

But the world works differently.

Here is an analogy: you are cold. You have a fireplace, you have wood, so you bundle up, sit down in front of the cold fireplace and start talking to it:

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Alone is one of the itches we identify on my Itch.

An itch is something that you want, desperately, to come to you, from the outside. But even when it does, it doesn’t do it for you, it doesn’t scratch the itch. Only you giving what you want scratches the itch.

The perfect example is the fireplace: you want heat from the fireplace. After all the fireplace is supposed to give you heat and coziness, and romance, and a sense of home.

But in real life, you need to feed the fireplace, before it will give you heat… let alone cozy and romance and a sense of home.

When you have Alone as your itch, you are always disappointed, because no matter what you do, the alone follows you, like your shadow.

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Soul Correction: Forget Thyself

Update 6/15/18

Given how relevant the number: how much you think of yourself, this soul correction is to take yourself out of the picture, completely. Stand outside and know that nothing is about you.

And as long as you think it is, you’ll have misery, you’ll not breathe deeply, you’ll feel hurt, or important, or whatever self-centered things you fancy yourself.

Original writeup:

The issue with the soul correction is trust. The lack of it. No trust in other people, no trust in the Universe. Closed in, relying only on one’s own experience. Nothing is accepted at face value.

This is the soul correction of the Tree of Life… the skeptic will test everything.

The problem is that one can’t experience everything in a “normal” life, and therefore most decisions come as a reaction from an ego truth… and they are wrong decisions.

There is a much bigger world with a lot bigger view than a typical Forget Thyself person can see. So a Forget Thyself is mostly a bumbling idiot, making mistake after mistake.

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