Tag Archives: Goals

Don’t set ambitious goals! sounds counter cultural?

In the famous marshmallow experiment by Walter Mischel. He said that the 30% of the kids that didn’t eat the marshmallow, didn’t even look at the marshmallow. They kept doing other things, keeping their eyes off the marshmallow. Consciously, intentionally, and purposefully.
The marshmallow is ‘the thing’, the goal people want… and it is what actually causes them to jump the gun, to quit pursuing it prematurely.
I have read a lot about that experiment, I have even written about it, but I didn’t know that the ‘winners’ avoided looking at the marshmallow. that piece was missing for me, until now.

One of the challenges I face with my students and clients is their high desire number, and the Desire Trap…
This discovery I stumbled on, by accident, is the missing piece in helping my students with that challenge.
Watching that TED talk yesterday opened up something inside, that is still full of swirling fog, ethereal figures, and yet, I know that something from the invisible has been released.

I was getting busy going down the rabbit hole about the marshmallow test which is as much of a principle as any principle, although its portability is hard to see…

All principles are portable, just like fractals. That is the nature of reality: as above so is below, or was that the other way around?

If it is true, a real principle, not just a made up rule, it is true everywhere, but to recognize it you need to be able to connect the dots.

Connecting the dots requires you to have a wide cone of vision, so you can compare the two phenomenon in the same glance, or alternatively, have enough long term memory to store an image that you can compare with.

Most people never committed anything to long term memory, and even the capacity for storing something for long term has atrophied.
Another way to look at long term memory is looking an measuring how many things you can hold in your brain at any one time.
For most people (8 billion) that is one thing…

That means that when they change what they look at, what they looked at disappears. So they cannot compare two things that are not inside the same cone of vision.

The size of your long term memory, interestingly, will decide what size box you live in.

It takes me just one short interaction to know that… what you talk about indicates the size of your box.

What’s wrong with a small box, you ask? Nothing WRONG, but it is limiting. You cannot dance, you cannot have adventure, you have locked yourself in with the few people who are probably wretched and no fun.

Your love of animals, interestingly, shows that you are not fulfilled in your small box… But it only indicates, it doesn’t remedy… the size of the box you live in will not grow without serious effort.

While I was an architect, my box got smaller… uncomfortable. While I was in Landmark Education, my box got smaller… very limiting.
Breaking out of those small boxes was painful, scary, and
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4 Stages of Consciousness… where do YOU live?

Four stages of consciousness
This is another seven years old article…

I read an interesting article on consciousness today that opened my eyes to something:

You can ask a question of yourself, and depending on the answer you can locate yourself on the map of consciousness quite reliably. And you could ask the question “what is your vibrational frequency?” and though you have no numbers, you’ll know in what bracket you are by locating yourself on one of the stages.

The question is: What is my relationship to life? My life? Where is my consciousness?

There are four possible answers.

1. Life is happening to me.
2. Life is happening by me… i.e. I am causing my life
3. Life is happening through me… i.e. you are on this stage causing something to unfold through your special gift, or purpose
4. Life is me

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Learn Kaizen – Tread lightly

In matters of the spirit a little goes a long way.

One of the most puzzling things about Kabbalah has to do with the proportions of worldly to spiritual. It says it is 1%, as opposed to the 99% spiritual. Therefore if you do your job in the 1% reality, then the 99% reality will to its job. It is like putting in $1 to a self improvement fund, and your company would match it with $99. Good deal, isn’t it.

It may be a good deal, but very few do it.

Why? Because your mindset has to be certainty, instead of waiting for it to come, or hoping, or wishing, or at the other extreme, thinking that you can only count on yourself. Or strong desire… or hoping… or “faith”… or praying… or all the happy horseshit gurus teach.

None of those mindsets activate the 99%. Bummer.
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Guidance, oracle… the final interpretation is up to you

It’s Tuesday and Rob Brezsny’s syndicated horoscopes landed in my inbox.

I read mine, and my blood turned cold.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the coming weeks, you might want to read the last few pages of a book before you decide to actually dive in and devour the whole thing. I also suggest you take what I just said as a useful metaphor to apply in other areas. In general, it might be wise to surmise the probable outcomes of games, adventures, and experiments before you get totally involved. Try this fun exercise: Imagine you are a psychic prophet as you evaluate the long-range prospects of any influences that are vying to play a role in your future.
Fear. Fear that I am working on something that is going to turn out not what I want.

Very scary… in spite of the fact that I experiment all the time. That I rarely make a binding commitment to any path until it is already bringing its results.

I don’t set goals… and don’t commit to outcomes.

And yet, the fear was paralyzingly strong…
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Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff You Don’t Actually Want to Do

Part One: Knowing yourself is key to being able to change
We all think that we know ourselves… and then when it turns out to be wrong, we are surprised, but unphased in our certainty that we know ourselves.

Why is it nearly impossible to you to know yourself?

Because self-reflection is an intangible, spiritual capacity that can only open up if and when you look at your effect, your reflection, your feedback from the world around you.
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Success secret: experimentation

If you find that your life, your oceanliner that is stuck in a tight bay isn’t turning around, this article will teach you something that the knowing of can make a difference.
Remember, when life isn’t working as you expected, there is something that you didn’t know… and it is always in the invisible realm of reality… And so is with this one.
As I said before, ess, evolutionary stable strategy, is where humanity finds itself, where you personally find yourself, and when you muscle test anything, it is ess, aka the selfish gene is what answers your question… unless you muscletest while connected to a higher-than-the-genes consciousness.

OK, that was quite a mouthful. Sorry about that…

Wherever you are in life, in any area of your life, you are in ess. In ess your actions, your ideas, your advisement will come from a “source” that wants to maintain that ess… If you are fat… then maintain being fat. If you are inactive, then maintain inactivity. If you are always engaging in bombastic dreams, then maintain that… engaging in bombastic dreams.

If you act in life like you already know what you need to know, then ess wants to maintain that. If you read, then maintain reading, if you don’t, then maintain not reading.
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Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity

Most people will never become truly successful.
“It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.”
-Tim Ferriss
Most people will never be truly successful.

The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, “All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class Street.”

Most people will never escape the pull.
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Want to be the one who is making the decisions in your life?

This week has been a success for Life, and a disaster financially. Everyone was spending their money on turkey, I guess.

So I am going to announce some sales for this coming week. I’ll make them good… so you’ll buy.

Now, about the successes that lead me to a huge insight.

Everything that people do is guided by memes, and they think they decided to do it. And you think they decided to do it from the goodness of their heart, from the badness of their heart, whatever seem to be the case. But in fact they never decided anything… It is the memes that are doing the deciding.
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Can you predict the future? Can you pick the next big winner?

My last article, the shotgun method has missed its target… few even understood what the heck I was talking about.

Regardless, I am continuing on the theme, because this is one of the stumbling block for most of you… so although you don’t know what is eating your lunch… although you have no idea how you are screwing up, I do, and I am here to help you till you get it. I already have a third article in the pipeline… ;-/

About a month ago I finally and suddenly got ready to pick a marketing mentor. Terry Dean is his name… and as soon as I can afford it, I’ll also book one-on-one coaching with him. It’s expensive…
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Are you living to survive or are you in a quest for a life worth living? Who are your guides?

Are you living to survive or are you in a quest for a life worth living? Who are your guides?

This article is about guidance. Not about how you find it, but who to listen to. How to pick your guides… Who to listen to, what to listen to.

What gives you your life depends more on the people you listen to than anything else.

If you want to find out where your life is heading, look closely at the different aspects of your closest guides, TV, gurus, emails, books, movies, friends, co-workers (gossip) and make a note how they live in the main areas of life: fulfillment (vocation), health (physical, mental and spiritual), connections (relationships), and being rewarded and valued (finances).

Your life’s trajectory, where your life is heading, is going to be a weighted average of these guides’ life trajectory… More time with the news? the lower it goes in all areas. More time with high vibration people? the higher it goes, at least in the areas where those people are vibrating higher. The more materialistic and forceful your guides are, the more forceful, stressful, and the less satisfying your life will become. The more inauthentic your guides are, the more permission you get to be inauthentic. And inauthenticity is death, in another name.
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