Tag Archives: Harrison Klein

Vibrational Reviews

Number after the person’s name signifies personal vibration, unless it’s an organization, then it signifies truth value.

The numbers are vibrational numbers, on a 1-1000 logarithmic scale.
Total truth is 1000…
Look at the map to see what each level feels like

Harrison Klein 170
Bruce Lipton 170
Gregg Braden 210
Eric Pearl 150
Joan Borysenko 210
Howard Martin 210
Guy Finley 170
Sue Morter 150
Bruce Goldberg 130

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Vibrational Reviews: no results, no energy, religious bs… oh well, no wonder these people are so miserable

Robert Scheinfeld,Anette Carlstrom,Joseph Michael Levry/ Gurunam,Harrison Klein,Jennifer McLean,Rudy Hunter,Santos Bonacci astrotheologian

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