Tag Archives: Heaven On Earth remedy

Talk back to me: How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

Question: People ask me: how long should I plan that my vibration rises to 395? Do you have a plan that will allow me to do that in two months?

Answer: This is the type of questions I get regularly. The question belies the world view that we live in a two plus two equals four Universe.

“Plan your work and work your plan.”

I do not share that world view.

I do not believe that cause and effect is linear and you can even detect the why of things happening.

If we could plan, do and bank on the results, then there would be a lot of vibration 395’s would be running around. At the moment there are only four people with or above that vibration on Planet Earth.

Are you disappointed? Did you REALLY think that running some high energy audios will transform you into a sage? A mystic?

My most successful student, at the moment hovers between 360 and 370 in her vibration. She has been doing the work with me since October of 2011.

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How much stress, how much tension can you handle? It is all in the stance…

I am going through a rough time.

A business I started 25 years ago needs to be shut down. It wasn’t a self-expression for me for about 10 years now. But closing a business is much like getting a divorce, so I was just plodding along until it is costing money instead of making me money.

It’s not very complicated, actually it is much easier, technically, thank a divorce: you just shut down the websites, and cancel a few contracts with suppliers.
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What could you learn in the Self-Healing Course?

What will I teach in the Self-Healing Course?

As far as I can see, your well-being suffers most from what you hold as true. And what you hold as true comes from three sources:

1. your body’s wisdom of the ages, this is true, but being interpreted by the mind… so
2. your infinite wisdom from the vantage point of the limited perspective of the human mind… mostly wrong
3. information you hear or read

At this day and age, all of our signals are crossed, and cannot trust anything.

I will give you and example: if I asked you what sweet cravings mean, you would tell me the party line, or one version of it

1. you are addicted to sweets
2. you should eat something sweet… your body tells you

What you don’t know is that the taste buds on your tongue developed long long time ago, and they guided to you eat what your body needed very reliably. At that time, humans were hunters and gatherers, not like monkies, not living in trees, living mostly on the planes where they had more advantage given their body… and the tools they used to kill.

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New! Revolutionary Self-Healing Course Puts The Power To Heal In Your Hands

Maria of Toronto says: “My nausea was unbearable. Anything I ate bothered me… I was making the rounds to doctors, and they could not find anything wrong with me. In my desperation I came to a “Healing Call.” I didn’t believe much in the hocus pocus of distance healers, but I owed it to myself to at least try. On the call, the “healer” Sophie said that I had some obstruction in her gall bladder and instructed some energy, the Unbreakable to squeeze it out. After about 5 minutes Sophie said that gall stone was done. I didn’t feel anything, but the nausea disappeared to not come back for seven months, a couple of days ago.

This time I knew what to do, and went to the Healing Call again… Lo and behold, my gall stone was back, but removed again. I am well now. And have signed up to the February Self-Healing Course to learn to to heal myself. I am sure that cleansing my liver at least once a week will take care of my tendency for a gall-stone.”

Michael from Alabama, one user of this course said: “Last summer I was feeling light-headed and low energy. I went to the doctor and found out that my blood pressure was very high. I was put on blood pressure medication, which made me even weaker, and I completely lost my ability to perform my duties as a husband… I came to a Healing Call as a last resort.

Sophie recommended the Heaven on Earth, saying that the high blood pressure was due to my habit of not breathing. My anxiety made it hard to breathe. I started to take the Heaven on Earth, come to a few Healing Calls, and my blood pressure went back to normal. My performance ability is back and I trust that as long as I use the techniques I learned in the Healing Course and take my Heaven on Earth, I will be fine.”

In this day and age of questionable quality food and water, anxiety and other worries, staying healthy or getting well is a big challenge. Challenge financially. Challenge because it is hard to know what works, what doesn’t. It is hard to know who to trust, what to trust. It is hard to know what to eat, what to take… But this course puts the power back into your own hands: you can heal yourself, and you can do it anytime, anyplace. Hundreds of participants are doing it and doing it successfully.

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The Self-Healing Course: I am getting a lot of questions about it

The first Self-Healing Course is starting on February 5. That’s a Tuesday.

So far the people who signed up are the people who know and trust me: students that have done courses with me. Interesting, especially considering that about half of the regular readers of this site came searching for information on the Healing Codes, and roughly the other half came searching for information on Christie Marie Sheldon. So, I assumed that they were interested in healing… we shall see.

Here is some hype-free information:

1. You need to learn to connect two different ways to be able to use Source Energies to heal. This training alone is worth the price. Why? Because anything that you do while connected, actually starts to work. Theta Healing, The Healing Codes, Reiki… add your own favorite healing modality here. Even chiropractors do ten times better work if they connect while they do their job.

I write faster and better articles or copy. I cook better meals. I coach a lot more effectively.

I hear that sex is incomparably better while connected… I have not tried that, sorry. You have to believe the hearsay…

You cannot muscle-test and trust your results unless you are connected while doing the muscle testing.

Enough reasons for learning to connect?

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On Breathing: difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest, holding your breath, etc… how the harmonize works

I have started a brand new thread on breathing. Why?

It seems that all our emotional issues first manifest themselves in the difficulty of breathing, and only after a period of that will the physical issues of stomach trouble, heart trouble, cancers of all kinds will start to show up as a result of the blockage of the breath.

I have known, for some time, that I am supposed to help, but my tools were imperfect: if the blockage of the breath came from a single feeling, like simple reactive anxiety, or simple reactive fear, or worry, or impatience, or a moment of shame or guilt… the Heaven on Earth worked miracles.

On the other hand, until recently, when the blockage came from an attitude, a fixed attitude, the Heaven on Earth did not help, whether you got it in drops or in energy format directly from me on a call.

Until recently, I said, because the Harmonize Your Vibration (used to be called Harmonize The Planet) audio has changed it all. It seems to shake the status quo and dislodge those long-stuck fixed attitudes, and people are able to move in areas where they were stuck.

One result I saw, with myself, is that I have started to walk the hill again after I started to play the audio, and now I am up to five times a week… I wasn’t willing to walk for about five years prior to that, so this is a big deal.

Anyway, I wrote an article on that new thread, check it out… or you are not into reading more, but want to attack your discomfort in life at the root, get the Harmonize your Vibration audio: it harmonizes your vibration to mine…
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How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

Intelligence is operational when there is no thinking, there are no thoughts. You can only detect that intelligence is growing by detecting that there are less thoughts.

One of the main causes of anxiety and anguish is living through the mind, not ever being in the present moment, not ever being in the here-and-now. You can only be intelligent in the here-and-now. Any departure from the now moment causes anguish and unintelligent ways of living and making decisions.

One of the things my Activate Divinity Course (closed) accomplishes is returning people to being whole and complete. It is almost impossible to be intelligent unless you are reasonable whole and complete, no parts suppressed, no aspects of you abandoned, denied.

The Harmonize The Planet meditation with the Heaven on Earth energy bundle is a great way to prepare yourself to be able to start the work of becoming whole and complete.

How did it happen, that in spite of my formal education (21 years total), I still managed to pull through with some intelligence intact? Not mentioning 27 years of Landmark, a 100% intellectual pursuit… When I look at landmark graduates, I see people waiting for someone else to give it to them, or repeating what they have already heard. Second-handers’ galore.

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How the Harmonize The Planet audio also zaps your anxiety

Being here and now has been a favorite topic of all the fake gurus.

What is a guru? A guru is a person who can teach. I said teach, I didn’t say TALK!

All the gurus I know are big talkers.

What is the difference between talking and teaching? On one hand, you can see the results of teaching: if the student is able to be what is being taught, in the domain of being, then teaching and learning took place.

Knowing about something is not real knowledge, it is talking. Just like talking about flying isn’t flying, talking about love isn’t love…

What makes someone able to learn being? After all, when you communicate (talk) being, it is taken up by the mind, and the mind isn’t interested in being, isn’t able to create being. Especially the mind isn’t interested in you being in the here and now.

Many teachers and courses try to bridge from the mind to the being… Affirmations, inauthenticity exercises, psychodrama, inventing a possibility, the solutions that don’t work well can fill a library.

Hypnosis, noise-treatment, light, sound, smell… visualization, psycho this and psycho that.

All have the same shortcomings: unless being is distinguished on a level beyond the mind, there is no learning, no alteration will happen in being.

Some teachings have a little piece here and there that are useful, but there is no system that has ever been successful. Not in the past 2,000 years, or maybe 3,500 years.

In the Path To Enlightenment Course I am attempting to teach what has never been taught: the art of being in the moment.

Now, a few words about that: you can’t teach being straight, directly. The only way to teach being is to distinguish all the wrong ways of being… Just like you can throw a dart and be off the bull’s eye, in being you can be off target in a million and one ways, and not hit the target being.

But so far, I have found, 3-4 different ways to be off-target that can be distinguished and taught, and there are a few indicators that you are off that even you can sense, feel, or see. The mind won’t be useful here…

One of the indicators is anxiety. Anxiety is easy to recognize, even though different people feel anxiety at different parts of their body, anxiety is so widespread, so ubiquitous, that I don’t have to spend much time identifying it with you.

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Lighten up. It is only a commercial holiday, it is only the Mayan Calendar… don’t miss life

Humans are missing life. Life is happening in the now, but humans live in their minds and mind only knows about past and future.

The mind is like a clunky machine. If seismographs were like the mind, we would have no warning that earthquake or tsunami is coming… we would completely miss it.

An area where you miss all the fun is sex. By the mind catches up with what’s happening with the body, it’s over. And you feel stupid… I know something happened, I know it was great… but didn’t catch it, just the aftershock…

Another area is love. By the time you notice you are in love, it is gone. Or food: you eat for sometimes minutes before you taste the food, then you get fat, and you don’t know why.

You hear something, try to understand what you heard, go to the mind, and miss everything.

In my programs I use innovative meditation techniques to force you into the present moment, so you at least have a “concept” of what I am talking about. About the blissfulness of now, about the heaven of the here-and-now.

Once you can do it on the call, you become eligible to register into one of my paid programs where we do work to remove the “reason” you gave up being in the here-and-now, opening up the possibility for you to be happy, for heaven on earth… right now, and right now.

And while you are contemplating in your mind whether this is for you or not, here is a little joke I really loved.
A nun is sitting with her Mother Superior chatting. “I used some horrible language this week and feel absolutely terrible about it.”
When did you use this awful language?” asks the elder.
Well, I was golfing and hit an incredible drive that looked like it was going to go over 280 yards, but it struck a phone line that is hanging over the fairway and fell straight down to the ground after going only about 100 yards.”
Is that when you swore?”
No, Mother,” says the nun. “After that, a squirrel ran out of the bushes and grabbed my ball in its mouth and began to run away.”

Is THAT when you swore?” asks the Mother Superior again.
Well, no.” says the nun. “You see, as the squirrel was running, an eagle came down out of the sky, grabbed the squirrel in his talons and began to fly away!”
“Is THAT when you swore?” asks the amazed elder nun.
“No, not yet. As the eagle carried the squirrel away in its claws, it flew near the green and the squirrel dropped my ball.”
“Did you swear THEN?” asked Mother Superior, becoming impatient.
“No, because the ball fell on a big rock, bounced over the sand trap, rolled onto the green, and stopped about six inches from the hole.”
The two nuns were silent for a moment. Then Mother Superior sighed and asked, “You missed the fucking putt, didn’t you?
Isn’t it delightful? Could you be with the ball in the story, or were you with the words, waiting for the punch-line? How you do anything is how you do everything. If you could be with the ball, there is hope for you. If you were running ahead, oh well, you know the
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The 39th Bach Flower Remedy: the Yew: Desire to receive for the self alone

 Original publication date: March 11, 2012. Today all day I am reminded of this time…

The 39th Bach Flower Remedy: the Yew: Desire to receive for the self alone

One of the benefits, for me, to do the Connection Calls is being with all of you, and feeling how wretched, how miserable you feel. Not pleasant for me, but very useful.

I have been feeling some energies, some feelings that are not covered by the 38 original Bach Flower Remedies.

At the same time, while writing the Soul Correction articles, or teaching the core group classes, I can see that there is resistance there that doesn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth energy bundle.

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