Tag Archives: Heaven On Earth remedy

Can’t feel anything, anger, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?

Can’t feel anything, joy, love, peace? Can’t feel that you are connected? What can you do about it?

You are a Pressure Cooker

I had a real transformation a few years ago, but because it disappeared stuff, I am just noticing.

When anger disappears, you barely notice it.

I used to be an angry person. You wouldn’t know it, because for reasons of my own I suppressed my anger.

Anger not expressed cripples you. But expressing anger can be dangerous: you need to be out of control, or so it seems.

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Until recently you could get energies in only three ways

What it is that I am learning about energies and what is so revolutionary about that?

Until recently you could get energies in only three ways:

you were attuned by someone who had the energy. Attunement is an implant type of procedure.
you discovered that you had access to a certain energy. It seems innate… You may call it having been gifted, or some other way that makes you sound superior: the truth is that you probably earned it. Your vibration is probably higher than “normal” and you probably regularly connect to Source.
someone dumped it on you, whether you were ready or not. I have only heard tales of that: I can’t testify about the veracity of the claims.

I have discovered a fourth way to get energies.

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On being trainer, a leader… upsetting the apple cart and what YOU can learn from that

On being trainer, a leader… allowing someone to upset the apple cart and what YOU can learn from that.

It’s Sunday, so I permit myself a little more time to find out what is other people’s agenda… i.e. I read some emails in my inbox.

I do it randomly: I allow the spirit to move my hand that holds the mouse.

I think my conscious mind is completely disengaged: I am not looking for anything in particular: I have more on my plate than I can handle, thank you very much.

THE HAND opens a video. Brendon Burchard pitch video for High Performance Academy. Something about getting things done.

It auto-starts… I scramble for my headset. I catch the tail end of his introduction… I am drawn into the video… and then, suddenly, I need to go to the bathroom, blah blah blah.

Hm. I always pay attention when something is “suddenly”.


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I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

Be Nice! I love you but…
You are rude on the calls, where is the Heaven on Earth that you promise?

From My Mailbox:

I already love you and care for you because i can feel your heart…way big. The challenge is that the ego is still getting in the way of your delivering the Heaven on Earth and your special talents bringing down energy.
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Questions and Answers:

Dear Sophie,

After last night’s call, I have some questions for you.
-I wanted to ask you what you actually mean, instead of what I interpreted when you gave me soul correction + flaw. In terms of actually doing my soul work, what does it mean that I have Silent Partner and flaw of Pretense? (I thought I knew until I read one of the posts by aaron online). I suspect this will hurt like a band aid coming off to hear, but I’d rather find out exactly what you mean instead of thinking I know. Then I can go about catching it
Each character flaw is a pretense.

You are made of the same stuff as Source, and that is powerless beyond measure. You live in the world of scarcity, but that doesn’t mean that your powers disappeared, they are limited by the physicality, that’s all.

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On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother

On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother

My eyes are swimming in tears. Tears of recognition, tears of happiness.

Why am I so happy, you ask? Because I have turned a corner. A big one for me.

My brother, six years my junior, lives in Hungary. We were never really close. No one was close in my family. Holocoust survivor parents, all carrying memories of personal and racial horrors in their cells.

You never knew when they would blow up on you… it was totally unpredictable. I learned last night what’s the mechanism: I am 65 years old and I hadn’t known. Wow.

I last saw my brother in 1995. He came to visit me and he stayed 2-3 weeks, I don’t remember how long. He’d just sold a house he built and was now building another one, and had a sudden cash influx; that’s how he could afford to fly over to me.

At the time I was a magazine publisher and quite ill. He had headaches. I had none of the powers I have today: there was nothing I could do for him. Today I would know what to do… but I won’t cry for spilled milk.

Later that year he lost one eye, the cause of his headaches, then lost his job due to his funny looks with the glass eye… life is unfair.

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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Wipetheslateclean® Energy And The New Method Of Activation

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

It’s a great sentence from Spiderman. I loved it. But I never thought it would say anything direct to me, not in a million years. I didn’t have great powers.

Until about two weeks ago.

Suddenly every time I was to infuse Source energies into water or remedy mix, I would have this intense pain in my chest, that I identified as Mimulus: fear.

It would even prevent me from connecting to Source on a level where I can make commands… I would have to meditate for long minutes before it would let me go past it… Of course Heaven on Earth works fast too.

The action that precipitated this big wave of fear was the creation of the WipeTheSlateClean® energy.

Coming Clean

Now, here it is that I need to come clean: Every activation that we did before that time was good, was wonderful, but it was time consuming and the activations needed to be repeated to work. The results were often reversible. The activations were not permanent, not what I had promised.

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The New Label for The Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle in a Bottle

Finally I had a few hours for myself, so I whipped out my trusty old Quark Xpress that I hadn’t used for 5-6 years, and designed a label for the Heaven on Earth Remedy…

Here is how it is. Would you comment below and tell me

if you like it
if not what you don’t like about it
if you think anything else should be on it, info, etc.

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Excited about tomorrow’s webinar? I am. It’s at 4 pm EST

Dear Sophie,

Read your love article- excellent- again, makes perfect sense

I’m exactly halfway thru the Wattles book, I expect to finish it sometime tonight-

I saw that you have a webinar tomorrow/Saturday at 9 p.m. EST – yes, I remember the instructions about getting on early for downloading the software etc. so I can be on time-

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The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip

The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip for Soul Correction

I knew there were more Bach Flower Feelings, there were more Bach Flower Energies, I just didn’t know what, which, how, and when.

Yesterday, on the afternoon connection call, a woman from Sweden, brand new person came to the call with that particular pain. Smack on the top of the Seat of The Soul… mimicking angina attack, very strong, very painful.

It didn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth, so I knew it was new. I also knew I had experienced it before, in fact I had it for years, until the time when I started to do my soul’s work, in earnest, a few years ago.

You don’t really experience it until your vibration hits 300… that is why it has never been present on the calls.

What is this energy, and why do I call it The Peacock?

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