Tag Archives: Heaven On Earth remedy

A little bit about me: how I got my name, Ben-Shitta? Thorns and Nectar, Wisdom and Desert Tree?

A little bit about me: how I got my name, Ben-Shitta?

In 1982 I accompanied a friend of a friend to Eilat to do some snorkeling. I lived in Jerusalem at the time, and didn’t mind the long drive: who wouldn’t want to see and experience the Red Sea.

The long drive took us through the Negev, a desert, with a few trees here and there.

The trees immediately captured my heart: they were alone, they were beautiful, and they were generous in an unusual way.

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From my correspondence: What did you do to me? Why am I feeling worse instead of better?

From my correspondence:


Good Morning,

I don’t know what happened with the exercise last night but I came away feeling a little drained and
though I am also an empath, the trait is not yet developed. As such It felt like my vibration went down
instead of up.

What do you make of this, and what possible for me to come to peace about this?


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My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

I like the taste of a little brandy in my water or in my tea. I would not want it in my coffee (I like mine with cream!) but I could probably live with it.

But I would not want my boyfriend to drink my remedy in a moment of extreme thirst for alcohol.

I don’t have a boy friend, if you are now wondering. But I did have one, and that relationship taught me a lot.

We met in 2000 and he was an alcoholic. I told him that it is unacceptable. He did the Landmark Forum and he stopped drinking cold turkey. He was doing well, no drinking, not even talking about drinking, for a whole year. Until a kindly waiter at the Japanese restaurant rewarded us with a glass of plum wine for our patronage.

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Design Contest? Can you help?

Now that we have the Heaven on Earth Energy bundle in a bottle, we need a bottle label, about 2×4 inches. I am thinking of running a design contest for the design. But: I don’t know how to run a contest. I don’t have time for this.

So, as usual, I would resort to designing the label myself. What’s wrong with that, you ask? Nothing, really, except the reason to do so. Although I am an architect and I was a magazine publisher for 11 years, the world is better of me doing the work of the planetary ascension, not designing labels.

The other reason is: getting the word out.

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The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and your soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains all 38 Bach Flower Energies, the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies.

As I said it in other articles, the 38 Bach Flower Remedies correspond with strong feelings.

what are feelings? Feelings are the reaction to a thought, a meaning.

Isn’t it the other way around, Sophie? Well, yes and no. It is more like a snake that bites its own tail.

You see/experience something. It’s always a trigger. Your reptilian brain searches in its memory banks and spits out a meaning: this is a threat of this kind… and then you feel the feeling. Then the feeling becomes the new trigger. The reptilian brain does a database search again, and gives you a new coping “response” with will be a new feeling or a new action. Those again become triggers… and you can see the merry go round, can’t you.

So, what do the Bach Flower Energies do?

They interrupt this snake biting its tail mechanism: something happens, the feeling comes up and the energy neutralizes it.

Can it neutralize it before it comes up? After all who wants to have 38 different fears come up one time or another?

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What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess?

 What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess?

Harold and Maude (Hal Ashby; 1971) “It’s best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life.

Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you’re bound to live life fully.”

As you may have read in another article, last Wednesday I visited beautiful Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, NY, where I live, and downloaded, or more precisely, infused it with the Heaven on Earth energy bundle, and the new Energizer energy that changes the spin of the water. What is spin? Beats me. Why that should work? I learned that from a guy in Florida. I asked Source to duplicate the energized water they sell… I don’t know what actually happens to the water on the atomic and subatomic level.

Do I want to know? Yeah, as mind candy, but really? Does it matter? Not to me. If it works, then I use it. If it doesn’t, then I first tweak it, and if it still won’t work, (I ask Source first!) then I chuck it. Simple as that.

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Energizing The Planet

Goal: energize all the waters of the Planet by March 23.

Process: I connect to Source, make sure Source knows the area and knows what it is asked to do. Download the Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle (all the 38 Bach Flower Energies, the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) and the Energizer (the energizer works through restoring the spin of the water molecules to the state they were before the Great Flood of Noah). Witness the download. Check if it worked.


2/22/2012 The project started with the energizing of Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, NY.The lake vibrated at 120 at the start. I downloaded the Heaven on Earth energy bundle and the Energizer. The vibration quickly rose to 400. Then a big snow storm came and it lowered the lake’s vibration to 300. The snow vibrated at 100. That is the vibration of the water that is contained in plants we eat… really bad news. Vegetarians vibrate lower than meat eaters…
3/5/2012 ground waters of Upstate NY (everything other than NYC and its immediate environment)
3/6/2012 lakes in Upstate NY
3/7/2012 The Great Lakes
3/8/2012 Serbia in Europe
3/10/2012 Alabama
3/12/2012 The entire Continental United States is done.

Some notes: Source first infuses the ground waters, then the lakes, rivers, etc., then the snow, rain, rainwater in cracks, etc.
There is no sense in fighting the big food manufacturers and Monsanto. The only effective action is to NOT USE THEM! The movie I had posted… of www.freshthemovie.com/watch-fresh/more-trailers/ shows the path, and I believe that with the Heaven on Earth energy bundle infused in the waters of the Planet and the Energizer, people (farmers, shoppers) will have enough courage to say no to enslavement by these mega powerful trendsetters that destroy life and life on the Planet.
I believe that without energetic support in the water people are too weak, dumb, blind, and hapless even to recognize their best interest, let alone standing up for it. Without energy I don’t see how I can expect you to show and demonstrate courage and intelligence.
The energy of the water, even after the water companies abuse it, will be energy giving. Currently the more water you drink the more you are depleted. This includes bottled water as well.
By March 23 the whole planet will be energized through the water. Your area will come soon enough. Correction: it doesn’t look good: I won’t be able to finish it by March 23. New estimate: it will be done when it will be done… lol. Sorry, it’s not my schedule, it’s Source’s schedule.

March 13: Canada, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland done
March 15: Japan (waters start at 90) done
March 15: Indonesia and Singapore done
March 15: Australia done (waters started at 100)
March 16: Central America, all the little islands between Florida and South America, and the Gulf of Mexico done
March 21: South America and Africa with all the islands around them done
March 21: Scandinavia-done, Western Europe-done,
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The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

Imagine yourself having a hammer, walking about in the world… you would have that hammer handy all the time, like a carpenter.

How would the world occur to you?

If you hadn’t gone into your head for an answer, you would have said: hey, I would be looking for nails, after all why carry a hammer around for nothing… right?

But, if you are like the 99% of humanity, you couldn’t resist going into your head, into what you already know, for an answer.

You would have gone for the Tree of Knowledge answer, the RIGHT ANSWER, am I correct?
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Learn To Connect To Source

Webinars are FREE. Webinar schedule:

Wednesday 4 pm EDT
Saturday 9 am EDT
Saturday 9 pm EDT
Sunday 9 pm EDT (attention calisthenics)

Once you learned to connect you can also come to a Tuesday/Sunday 9 pm and Wednesday 2:30 pm EDT webinar (Healing Meditation)

EDT is New York Daylight Savings Time

Find the times in your time zone

Description: On each call I tell you exactly what to do, show you on the screen what it looks like, and check empathically (distance) and individually what you are doing to check any mistakes you make make. Then I muscle test if you are connected.

Once everybody on the call is connected I give you some energies, mostly the Heaven on Earth, the Energizer, and then we do some work with the soul, the ego, learn how to get their support and cooperation for a great life.

The webinars are 60 minutes long. You need to be on time, or you will be dismissed. On time means on time. Best to be early. The webinar software takes time to download, on most computers it takes 10 minutes. It is best to restart your computer, or at least your browser: the webinar software is known to crash your browser, and then you will be late!

My style is somewhat the style of a drill sergeant. It is my style. If you don’t like it, don’t come. You’ll hate me.

Here is the link to register in the live webinar. One registration registers you into all the webinars.

There are many recordings in the members area once you register to the webinar. Watch them and get prepared
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The pedestrian view

The pedestrian view

All my life I wanted to be smart. Why? To make money? No, not really.

But why? Because I wanted to be safe.

When I was lost in the crowd at 3 and a half, I obviously wasn’t smart enough to know which way to go to get home.

When that guy came up to me and took my hand, I obviously wasn’t smart enough to know that he was going to hurt me.

So I spent most of my life learning, getting degrees, reading… you know, getting smart. But yet, I made a lot of mistakes that got me into trouble.

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