Tag Archives: high vibration

Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?

You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it?
I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration?

The answer, when I give it to most of you, goes right over your head. We are like two trains passing each other in the night… I am not getting through to most you and therefore I can’t make a difference for you. But why is that?

This is what this article is about… so read it, and read it a few times, until it’s crystal clear.

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What’s Missing In Teachings That Most People Can’t Get Any Results? Fraud? Deception? Blindness?

Why is it that once really effective, brilliant, and spot on spiritual and transformational teachers are not able to come up with technologies and distinctions that would transform the participants in their courses into accomplishing, fulfilled, and satisfied mavens? Why is that?

I had some unexpected glimpses into this today, and I am going to share them as fast as I can, before they disappear for me.

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High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?

Everyone wants to have their vibration measured. But they don’t know how to measure vibration, and they don’t know what the number they get means.

This is an old article that is as relevant today as it was when I wrote it. It clarifies what low vibration, high vibration is, and how to raise your vibration…

I woke up late today. I could recall my dream. It was nightmarish, but it was a guidance dream. A first in a long long time.

I was in a mental hospital, in Hungary, talking to my psychiatrist; young,innocent, pregnant, terrified of me.

I was explaining that we all have a dark side, as long as the light source is outside of ourselves. She asked: even a sheet of paper has a dark side? Yes, no matter how thin paper is it has a dark side.

Slice it even thinner… but…

No matter how thinly you slice the paper, it will still have a dark side and a light side.

That was the dream… the rest of the guidance happened while I was sitting in the cold room on the edge of my bed… the only way to have no dark side is to be the Light.

Which means…

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You say you want transformation, but really you want confirmation

Most of you come to me for confirmation. Confirmation that what you know is true, that who you are and how you “do” life is ok…

A handful of you are somewhat open.

Now, I don’t say that you know this about yourself… this article is to wake you up, to bring awareness to this, so you can be conscious of it.

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The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?

The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?
In the Playground, people do the work in pairs… we call these Partner Calls.

A partner call needs to be about a problem that came up in an incident. It is less talking than looking.

The person who talks, while the other listens, looks at the incident and attempts to take it through a set of looking points… we call that a script.

The looking points are filters through which the incident suddenly looks different… Richer, more detailed, looked through different vantage points.

The goal is to disappear the problem. A problem says that there is something wrong in the incident. Which indicates that the person’s perception is not of reality but of meaning, interpretation, or rules.

The goal is to get to reality. In reality there is nothing wrong. All wrongs are added by the observer, they are not part of reality. Reality is the way it is… and all the wrongs take your power away to live life, to be intelligent, to solve real tasks, to be with people the way they are, to learn, to be productive, to feel good about yourself.

Ultimately the wrongs take your power away to live a live worth living.

The issues people deal with in the incidents are puny. All of them come from some perceived wrong in childhood, injustice, mistreatment, misjudging, etc.

With adult help, me, people can reframe the incidents in their lives, and the wrongs become less frequent, so they, the participants, can become available to solve REAL problems, if they are interested.

Suffering from those puny problems renders a person not available for life, for a life that is satisfying and makes a difference.
And because people cannot be happy unless they feel that they matter, that they make a difference, people are not happy.
The Playground is taking people, taking participants to the gate where happiness can become attainable. Where they can begin to be interested and available to solve bigger problems, worth solving.
Solve big problems, and your experience of life will be fulfilling.
The bigger problems you solve the more money you’ll make and the more fulfillment you’ll experience in life.

Obviously what you call a problem depends on your view of life.

And how you solve a problem depends on you too…

And thus YOU create your level of happiness… your life’s experience.
You live in a world of your own design. And you live a life of your own design… Mostly unconscious…
I know you would not design a life that feels as bad as the life you are living, but in an unconscious way you have designed it…

This article is about how to design a life that you can enjoy. Your unconscious design has been given you the life you don’t love… Your conscious design will give you the life you’ll live…
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People who raise their vibration and people who don’t?

Humanity can be divided to two groups. The dividing line is the vibration of 200… the level of responsibility and integrity.

Responsibility is a view of life where it is up to you. What? Everything. And when it is up to you, then you are never a victim, although things may happen to you, thing may be done to you, and yet you are not a victim. Because you have something to say in the matter… and you don’t say that you are a victim.

Responsibility is a dividing line, and I fully expect that 99 out of 100 of my readers, including my regular readers, my clients, my students, think responsibility is either a duty (you have to, need to, or should) or blame (you had to, you needed to, you should have… and you didn’t!)
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The art and science of calling the shots…

Context: A thing or idea is better distinguished by what it is not than by what it is.
Well distinguished vs. poorly distinguished behavior
For example, the 10 commandments (from the Old Testament): some of the commandments are worded just right, you know exactly what to do and what not to do.

For example,

Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. It sounds really great… but what does honoring exactly mean?As many answers as many people… not clear.

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That sinking feeling in your stomach. Is it real?

That sinking feeling… that you don’t measure up, the impending doom, being found out… fear of death…

I just read an article on the New York Times, and ended up having that sinking feeling in my stomach.

I don’t often have it myself, that sinking feeling in my stomach, but I experience it from students on the calls, so I decided to investigate.

The article was about the next 200 billion company. I had an experience of being a midget in a world of giants. I had an experience of being insignificant, nobody, wannabe, a failure, a nothing.

In olden times this would effect me and my mood for hours, days, weeks… depression would set in. I would look at my projects and feel ashamed.

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You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

I am getting hundreds of requests for Starting Point Measurements. That includes me measuring your vibration… human vibration, vibrational frequency, whatever you call it…

Ultimately there is one thing in common among the emotional responses: disappointment.

A lot of people think that their numbers, their vibration should be higher. Why? Because they are good people. Because they are charitable, kind, nice, don’t kill puppies, and volunteer… whatever b.s. is considered high vibration nowadays.

But the vibration number shows one thing and one thing only: how much your behavior is informed by reality and how much is informed by b.s., rules, myths, ideas, that ignore reality.

And your vibration number is low.
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