Tag Archives: high vibration

The almost magical cure for procrastination

Finally, an almost magical cure for procrastination
When you have something to do but you don’t do it, your life starts going in a tail-spin, heading towards the rocks. It seems that what there is to do is so terrifying, so painful, so unbearable, that even ending up on the rocks is better.

If you are a procrastinator, your motive power is to avoid death, instead of loving life.

When you actually do the stuff you’ve been putting off, it always turns out that it is not that horrible. And, although you would think that next time it will be easier, you’ll find out that next time it’s even harder, even though you’ll remember that it wasn’t a big deal.

Why is that? It’s a vibrational issue. You’ve gone over to the side of Death…

It is much like being cold, trying to stay warm, trying to pull every energy inwards, and not move. Counter productive, counter intuitive, and yet, we all do it, in one area or another.

Just like to ward off the cold moving your muscles works, you warm yourself up, and the issue disappear, in the case of a procrastination, with the feared item, feared issue, feared opponent, taking action will disappear the issue… but the inner logic is set wrong, and somehow only an emergency, a direct threat to your life can flip it, throw the switch for you, and you seem to have no power, you wait until the threat is big enough.

Until now nothing worked. Until now you have tried will power, tricking yourself, but nothing really worked. Until now, that is.

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The Path to Enlightenment: Enlightenment is an internal affair

I love movies where human beings seem to be endowed with supernatural capabilities. They are fun, and they give hope to people. For me they show the possibility of being a human being, shows me what’s possible, what kind of being is possible for human beings.

Hope in those supernatural beings, like in all saviors, allows humanity to be wretched, to buy time, to live below its potential, to live in hate, to live in pretense, to live in unreality, to never have to take responsibility for who we are and how we are.

Supernatural means: beyond what is natural. Mostly being able to control the physical reality… turning crap to gold, and such.

To confuse humanity, the System, science, religion, education, has declared a lot of natural capabilities of humans supernatural.

Being an empath is natural: no physical aspect to it: it is all inside. Being a clairvoyant, etc. is natural. Being an energy healer, having hunches, is natural.

Raising the dead, being a fire-bender, a water-bender, etc. isn’t. Not really, or not the way it is depicted in movies.

Although I love these fantasy movies as much (or more) as the next person, I don’t take them literally. I consider that the capacities these super-duper natural human beings (did you notice that I didn’t write supernatural!) demonstrate innate in all humans, and these capacities can be activated above a certain level of consciousness.

Your level of consciousness shows how close your life is to what is natural, the Original Design: being in the here and now, without ego.

Your level of consciousness is a result, on one level, of you taking full responsibility for where you are, what you are, what you know, and how you know it. And on another level, your willingness to practice living in harmony and in sync with the Universe, with existence, with how it is.

Most people that think they live in sync, are pretenders. Or totally unconscious. Or they don’t know what they are talking about.

Living in harmony is also an inside job, an inner affair.

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Catch a glimpse of the iceberg – how your self became fragmented and how you can become whole again

I used to think that when you are an avatar, when you are a change-agent, people find you lovely and are attracted to you. I wanted that. I haven’t had a lot of “being liked” experiences.

I used to think that. Never thought that being of high vibration can create bad feeling in people’s hearts.

Don’t misunderstand me, I knew of historical facts, but I never connected them with the fact that the person was high vibration.

Until yesterday.

I knew what really beautiful women share: that they are mostly alone. That people are afraid to approach them. But I am not really beautiful, so I didn’t think it applied to me.

But yesterday drove it all home for me.

I have prepared a list of the fragments I have discovered, fragments of the self. My self…

What am I talking about?

When you are born you are born whole and complete, unless you had an unfortunate in-the-womb experience, and a good 10% of babies have had. I did… in that incident I left 6% or my original self… a fragment of my self.

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