Tag Archives: hocus pocus

Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization

Lisa Nichols and creative visualizationI like Lisa Nichols. Maybe the only self-improvement person I actually like. Why do I like her? Because she feels real to me. Does that mean that what she teaches work? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean that she has high vibration? No, it doesn’t.Her personal vibration was 200 a week ago, and is 170 today. What happened? She has expected her launch with MindValley to go better… I am guessing, I have no connection to Lisa Nichols.

What does a dip in vibration like this mean?
It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…

This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.

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No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…

Most “do-it-for-you” programs don’t work. Why? Are they bad? Are they fakes, thieves, or is there something in our design as human beings that prevents us from taking advantage of these opportunities. This is what this article is about. Surprising. Documented. True.

Note from a decade later: Imagine waking up one morning with the physique of a body builder. A copy of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. Or a female equivalent of Arnold…

Do you think it would benefit you? For longer than a minute?

Everything that you did not earn will atrophy. I have learned this the hard way. I started to turn on DNA capacities for people… and look with horror, as one after the other they turned off.

The recipient didn’t earn it, so they can’t keep it.

It’s the same with lottery winners… You have to earn what you want… And that is the principle of this article.

No One CAN Do Anything FOR You… And Even if They Could…

Surprising title, isn’t it? Especially from an Internet Marketer and Coach. After all, the best product to sell is something that you do for them, right?

Yes and no.

Everyone hopes that what they need can and will be done for them. So, as an Internet Marketer I can make a boatload of cash by promising that.

But here is the kicker: No one really appreciates what they get ready. Why? Are they unappreciative? Do they lack the genes for appreciation? Do they have the habit of it?


If we take what Kabbalah* says about how it all works, especially what is the inner motivator of every human being: to develop one’s Self to the fullest in a lifetime by correcting the areas where they fall short from fully being their divine (giving) nature… every time someone does something FOR you, they rob you of the opportunity to do it for your Self… because the thing looks done.

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Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization, Christie, Teal, Mr. T…more

Lisa Nichols and creative visualization

I like Lisa Nichols. Maybe the only self-improvement person I actually like. Why do I like her? Because she feels real to me. Does that mean that what she teaches work? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean that she has high vibration? No, it doesn’t.Her personal vibration was 200 a week ago, and is 170 today. What happened? She has expected her launch with MindValley to go better… I am guessing, I have no connection to Lisa Nichols.

What does a dip in vibration like this mean?
It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…

This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.

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Summary: We have all heard about blockages… we can even visualize them. We know of people who claim that they clear them… but what are blockages, really? And how do you remove them?

Yesterday we had a session on the Carrot and Stick webinar workshop, and it went differently than the way I planned. We could say that I encountered a blockage in or with people… because they didn’t want to do what I wanted them to do… Instead of forcing my plan on them, I started to listen and started to hear that I was forcing to build a skyscraper on insufficient foundation… We spent the whole 210 minute long session building foundation, and tearing up foundation that was fear-based. We are not done, but we started the work that needs to be done… foundation building. Foundation that will allow a healthy human being to be built upon, instead of trying to fix the plumbing on the 3rd floor… which is like hocus pocus.

You can do a lot of hocus pocus, but you can only work with what’s there, and you can only have flow if you find out exactly what keeps some old stuff stuck there.

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New! Revolutionary Self-Healing Course Puts The Power To Heal In Your Hands

Maria of Toronto says: “My nausea was unbearable. Anything I ate bothered me… I was making the rounds to doctors, and they could not find anything wrong with me. In my desperation I came to a “Healing Call.” I didn’t believe much in the hocus pocus of distance healers, but I owed it to myself to at least try. On the call, the “healer” Sophie said that I had some obstruction in her gall bladder and instructed some energy, the Unbreakable to squeeze it out. After about 5 minutes Sophie said that gall stone was done. I didn’t feel anything, but the nausea disappeared to not come back for seven months, a couple of days ago.

This time I knew what to do, and went to the Healing Call again… Lo and behold, my gall stone was back, but removed again. I am well now. And have signed up to the February Self-Healing Course to learn to to heal myself. I am sure that cleansing my liver at least once a week will take care of my tendency for a gall-stone.”

Michael from Alabama, one user of this course said: “Last summer I was feeling light-headed and low energy. I went to the doctor and found out that my blood pressure was very high. I was put on blood pressure medication, which made me even weaker, and I completely lost my ability to perform my duties as a husband… I came to a Healing Call as a last resort.

Sophie recommended the Heaven on Earth, saying that the high blood pressure was due to my habit of not breathing. My anxiety made it hard to breathe. I started to take the Heaven on Earth, come to a few Healing Calls, and my blood pressure went back to normal. My performance ability is back and I trust that as long as I use the techniques I learned in the Healing Course and take my Heaven on Earth, I will be fine.”

In this day and age of questionable quality food and water, anxiety and other worries, staying healthy or getting well is a big challenge. Challenge financially. Challenge because it is hard to know what works, what doesn’t. It is hard to know who to trust, what to trust. It is hard to know what to eat, what to take… But this course puts the power back into your own hands: you can heal yourself, and you can do it anytime, anyplace. Hundreds of participants are doing it and doing it successfully.

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