Tag Archives: human frequency test

Measure your vibration to raise your vibration… but how do you measure your vibration?

Let’s talk about raising your vibration

This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:

Find out more about this magic manifestation method >>>

First of all… don’t try to raise your vibration until you know what it is. I get 1-2 requests a day, just to measure someone’s vibration for $15, and when I send them the number, they demand that I explain to them.

If you don’t know how to interpret what you get, then you are wasting your money… A sign of LOW VIBRATION! Please spare me and yourself.

But if you want some semblance of interpretation, go to David Hawkins’ truth and falsehood chart, the “map of consciousness”. It is not accurate, it is b.s. but it will make you feel better about your number. Won’t make you feel better, because vibration is not about feeling, or feeling better. Even though people with higher vibration do feel better. But what was first, the chicken or the egg… And is there causality or correlation? Questions, if your vibration is too low, or even normal, you cannot even begin to tackle…

Oh, that is why you want to raise your vibration? So you can feel better? Not likely to happen.

In my horizontal/vertical article I explain what you are missing… please read it a few times until you understand.
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