Tag Archives: human spirit

There is no gene for the human spirit! There is, I say!

I never cheated in school. Never made a cheat sheet. I just prepared.

The one time I didn’t… I skipped school that day. It was in 1964.

I remember it because it was the one time. Never happened again.

OK, I didn’t say that so you can now hate me.
I just did what was mine to do.

But not in a dutiful way.

I actually find dutiful distasteful. Dutiful is taking cue from the outside, and it is always low vibration. Always feels like slavery, powerless, not fit for a human.

We all remember that dutiful kid… who never had fun. They were also often beaten up… because

Dutiful and fun, dutiful and playful, dutiful and joy don’t go together.
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Ambition, motivation, and will power… which one will give you a life worth living?

Today the sky is open and the motive power of the Universe can be downloaded. I’ll be doing it in a few minutes.

That energy, the Day of Power energy is what powers the spirit inside. The spirit that expresses itself, makes itself felt in you. If you refuse to move with it, the pressure is tremendous. In creativity it is the energy that pushes you to go beyond the limitation of the horizontal plane.

This article examines what makes you move, choose, act… Worth reading.

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