Tag Archives: identity

If you start in the middle, you’ll lose…

The most important thing that happened to you happened when you were around three years old. It was a decision that happened to you. Even though you made that decision, you are now a slave to it.

Until that first incident you were innocent. Unless you make that decision malleable, that decision you made about how life is, how you are, how it’s best to behave, nothing can change about you or your life.

I can pull your anchor to doom energetically, and yet… nothing changes. Because that decision is like a physical skeleton, a framework, that everything, all of your life is built on.

And however you are today, however you approach anything comes from that decision. Entirely.
How the world occurred to you then.

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What makes you who you are today?

The obvious answers are that it is your past that makes you who you are. What happened to you. What was your education, your upbringing, your genes, your environment.

And all that seems to make you who you are today, and if you are anything like the people I deal with, day in and day out, you are not happy with who you are, how you are.

Why? How you are doesn’t get you the life you have always wanted, the accomplishments, the joy, the intimacy, the love, the care you wanted.

Is how you are really who you are? No, not at all. Nobody is. Or nobody is fully authentic.

You are is put together, while who you are is diligently covered up. Continue reading What makes you who you are today?