Tag Archives: incantations

Getting to the bottom of the iceberg… It is like the One Ring that controls all

I had an impromptu (unplanned) conversation with a long time client yesterday. Unfortunately my recorder decided to run out of battery… so I didn’t record it.

This woman is one example of the perfect client for me.

So what is a perfect client? A perfect client is one who is able and willing to do what they need to do to fulfill on my promise to them.
“My aim is to take you to a place where you are able to be well and stay well, make money and keep on making money, and feel good about yourself and keep feeling good about yourself”
Joel Salatin said: “I don’t mind carrying a man, but I don’t want them dragging their feet!”

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Unlimited Abundance Download, a review. Can it work?

Can incantations, hypnosis, energetic blockage removal change your financial situation?

In the new context, armed with the new knowledge I uncovered this past week, let us look at some Abundance programs (including Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance, re-launched again by MindValley publishing) and see if we can see anything new about them, if we can see why they work if they worked for you and why they can’t work if they didn’t work for you.

Let me re-iterate what is new: the emotions and the thought, even the spoken words, don’t actually effect your abundance, unless they, accidentally or purposefully, create a beingness… like being depressed, being wretched, being a loser… the states of being you so easily slip into.
Beingness=state of being

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You Are Making Bad Decisions Emotionally

I wrote this article about making decisions emotionally back in 2013… and reading it was amazing: I actually now see how far I have come…

OK, here is the original article:

You are not stupid, you are just making your decisions emotionally
‘If you want to live with the masses, think emotionally. If you want to live with the middle class, think positively. If you want live with the world class, think critically.’ –Steve Siebold
I have been impulsive and hasty as long as I can remember. And I have known myself, by my results, stupid, stupid as the stupid does, as long as I remember.

My results in any endeavor, any relationship, and the business of life have been anything but stellar. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

The past 4-5 years I have been paying attention, but bad habits die slowly or never, and I am, for the most part, behaving the same way as I behaved all my life, hasty moves, jumping into conclusions, only to discover moments or days later that I didn’t look before I leaped.

I wish I were flawless, but then I would be useless as a teacher: when you are effortlessly good at something, then you can’t teach it: you have no distinctions in the area of your expertise. Only when you can go, through your own awareness, from bad to good, that you have something useful to offer to the world that wants to follow you.

This is the main issue, by the way, with many of the famed and revered teachers, like Osho or Eckhart Tolle. They are really nice to read, very nurturing, but impossible to follow. Because they never went from where you are to where they are… they somehow found themselves there, using none of their own effort.

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Soul Correction: You Are Not Stupid, You Are Just Making Your Decisions Emotionally – Updated

You are not stupid, you are just making your decisions emotionally
“If you want to live with the masses, think emotionally. If you want to live with the middle class, think positively. If you want live with the world class, think critically.” –Steve Siebold
I have been impulsive and hasty as long as I can remember. And I have known myself, by my results, stupid, stupid as the stupid does, as long as I remember.

My results in any endeavor, any relationship, and the business of life have been anything but stellar. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

The past 4-5 years I have been paying attention, but bad habits die slowly or never, and I am, for the most part, behaving the same way as I behaved all my life, hasty moves, jumping into conclusions, only to discover moments or days later that I didn’t look before I leaped.

I wish I were flawless, but then I would be useless as a teacher: when you are effortlessly good at something, then you can’t teach it: you have no distinctions in the area of your expertise. Only when you can go, through your own awareness, from bad to good, that you have something useful to offer to the world that wants to follow you.

This is the main issue, by the way, with many of the famed and revered teachers, like Osho or Eckhart Tolle. They are really nice to read, very nurturing, but impossible to follow. Because they never went from where you are to where they are… they somehow found themselves there, using none of their own effort.

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Unlimited Abundance Review: by Christie Marie Sheldon – is it any good?

Unlimited Abundance Review… a program by Christie Marie Sheldon
Before i do anything else: I’ll do a vibrational reading (review) on Christie…

Her personal vibration: 130. Truth value of her teaching: 3%… meaning: 97% is not true, not accurate, not effective.

Want to find out if your vibration is higher than hers?

I have gone to her webinars, and I have students who have. I have never met or spoken with anyone for whom it worked. It is a bestseller because people hope that they can amass abundance without working on themselves, without working on their skills, their attitudes, or working… period. The requirement for anyone to want this program is greed and hoping.

The whole methodology of Christie Marie Sheldon is to do incantations. Incantations like a witch, which is quite in character, considering her little wicked giggle, even though it is a nervous laugh, much like a tik… she probably has no control over it. It is irritating nevertheless.

Incantations are affirmation, words. The intention is to change the subconscious beliefs. But your subconscious beliefs aren’t what direct your actions. Your actions come from your beingness: which is either your default, or something higher and intended by your consciousness.

Your level of consciousness is more indicative of what you’ll do, than what is stored in your subconscious.

Not mentioning the fact that no affirmations, not even hypnosis has ever changed someone’s actions with any level of certainty, for any length of time. If it have, you would already know.

She says that she uses the energy of the audience, and she is not lying about that. She managed to put an energy sucking attachment on my neck: luckily I caught it early, because I had removed it from other people before. Her attachments seem to go deep and suck the aliveness, the will to live, the Life Force out of you.

My personal experience is that people who flock to Christie Marie Sheldon, are suckers for miracles, have no or low self confidence, and are not really willing to do what it takes to make a buck.

The testimonials are from the exception: people who are already making money, who have value to offer, and just by virtue of putting their attention on the area, start making more money. This is what we call the placebo effect.

Also, as an empath I can tell you with certainty, that Christie Marie Sheldon doesn’t believe a word she says, and neither does her promoter, owner of MindValley, an Indian guy, didn’t catch his name. Christie is riddled with greed and the impostor syndrome: a tightness in your center.

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