Tag Archives: infantile will to power

If you could buy one program, what should it be?

Why should I bother dealing with your health issues, or your money issues, instead of teaching you how to get enlightened?

Isn’t that a great question? And it makes so much sense… After all there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, who claim to be experts in the health field, your bodily and financial health field… shouldn’t I just leave you to them, and do what only I can do? And just deal with you on the level of self-realization?
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Starting Point Measurements profile analysis #2

Starting Point Measurements profile analysis #2

The subject of this starting point measurements is young, still in school. Yet I don’t know her.

Because she is so young, I went into more details than I normally would, because it is going to be easier for her to change and get on the strait and narrow that leads to a good life, than for an adult. It is also a guidance more for the mother than for herself: I don’t even know if she knows that I measured her starting point measurements.

So, here you go:
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Little Known Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework

The most important thing to know about procrastination is that it’s an avoidance tactic.

We all have it, it is a matter of degrees. Successful people, successful students avoid what they have to do, in this case doing their homework, less of the time. But just know: every time the idea of doing comes up: the idea of avoidance comes up too.

What is the difference between a student that chooses doing their homework and a student that chooses to do avoidance?

The difference is not so much in the moment, but in the students approach to life and studying in general.

Context is decisive, goes the saying. Context is the why of an activity.
Context answers the why would you do that? Why do you want it? To what end would you do it? What’s in it for you?

A good student has answered that question differently from the avoiding student.
A good student could have picked an goal, like getting educated, getting good grades to get into a good college, getting good grades to please my mother, learning to work my mind, etc. etc. etc.

A bad student considers learning useless, a waste of time, something that was imposed on them. They, potentially, consider liberty: doing what they want to do when they want to do it, and not doing what they don’t want to do… when they don’t want to do it, more important than freedom, what they ultimately crave. The freedom to be themselves.

Nietzsche, a famous German philosopher, called that behavior “infantile will to power”… which means, that when you do avoidance tactic, you are acting like a belligerent young child, maybe even a baby, crying for the bottle.

One of the most valued capacities for a human is maturity. Behaving and using your adult capacities… choosing, saying no, the ability to be with, and be effective in spite of negative emotions, pain, or bad thoughts.

And another invaluable capacity of an adult is to choose the context carefully, choose it to help them through the difficulties of dealing with unpleasant feelings, memories, and emotions, successfully, so they move forward in life.

The biological age of a person can be 70, but their behavior can alternate between 5 years old and 15 years old: I know, I have a client like that, lol.

Band-aid type solutions like the ones this following article teach are just that: band-aids.

As procrastination is part of being human, it is common to put off the tasks we are not fond of in order to do more pleasurable tasks.

Homework is one of the most common tasks that gets deferred. Although it seems impossible, it is possible to stop procrastinating homework assignments and have more time to spend doing more pleasant activities.

These simple steps can assist you in using your time more effectively.

First, ensure that you have a quiet, comfortable place to sit down and think. Ensuring that you have everything you need at hand to finish the task will eliminate unnecessary diversions.

Focusing on the task at hand without
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How old are you being? What is the age of your behavior? What is your emotional age?

The human mind is a pattern seeking, pattern interpreting machine. Yet very few people ever pay attention to the patterns.

One of the patterns they would notice, if they paid attention, is this distinction: the age of the behavior, and the age of sayings… the age of the reaction.

Unless something is pointed out, people look but they don’t see. This includes patterns.

The few people that pay attention to patterns have a lot to tell you about you, and about the people you interact with… by the patterns of their behavior and the patterns of their speaking.

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More on instant healing and instant transformation, The Avatar, and frogs that want to become princes

When you look deep into yourself, you will find that at heart you are still an infant crying for the bottle. Friedrich Nietzsche called it “infantile will to power”, magical thinking that gives you the role of wanting, wishing, crying for, and gives the role to everyone around you to respond and give you what you want.

The Universe is based on the principle that no one has the right to sacrifice their need, their life, for the need or the life of another. Sacrifice is the kind of “deal” where one gets everything and the other gets nothing. No Universe, no planet, no country, no community, no family can be healthy if even just one person is willing to sacrifice themselves for another.

This is the main reason the Planet is out of balance, because the governing thought, the though of religion, new age, etc. promoted self-sacrifice pretending that good is that.

For the self-sacrificial cycle to come to be, there needs to be a value that is higher than human being, and that is NEED. Need cried, promoted as right to take from another, to suck away from another, is the fundamental motive power of a society of moochers and looters.

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