Tag Archives: invisible

What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation.
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What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see it?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation.
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You are not learning. What does the culture teach you, tell you, so that you end up not learning?

This is a great question, if you have curiosity the capacity turned on. This is an even greater question for you if you have been trying to learn, by signing up to my programs, or buying a capacity from me, and you are failing.

Here is the statement I paid more than 20 thousand dollars for, taken an airplane some 20 times, slept in a hotel 20 times, and got nothing else from the courses and programs I paid for…

But this sentence is worth the 20 grands it cost me to get it.

Here is the magic sentence: “When something isn’t working… there is something you don’t know.”

The sentence is brilliant… and yet it won’t work for 99% of the people…

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How does your past get into your future… and make you repeat the same life

I have an older blog that is attacked by hackers every week. They install malware… so I don’t want you to go there…

It’s an old website, more than 10 years ago it was my main blog. Most of it is still useful.

I have started to move the old blog posts, one by one, to my yourvibration.com site.

One of those posts reminded me, that until you get what I am writing in it, your future will be much like your past.

While I was researching for pictures, I found that what I am teaching is against the mainstream ineffective, all in the visible… the mind is powerful type of teaching.

Reality, if you watch a person, reality doesn’t work the way THOSE people, those memes, those motivational speakers tell you it works. The nature of reality is that 90% of what moves anything or anyone, the CAUSE, is in the invisible/unconscious domain of life.
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The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments

Your expectations and your disappointments reveal to you and to everyone who knows anything about the unconscious world view that makes sure you are miserable.
You learned that the Universe, Reality, your body, other people are like a vending machine. Push a button and outcomes what you wanted.
Or a car, or an electric mixer. Mechanistic, there for your service.

Even the evil people, religion, law of attraction, manifestation people teach that… with one little twist: if you are good, then the machine will turn on and spit out what you wanted.

So these people with their little twist make it your own fault if and when it doesn’t work.

But what you think about the world and the way the world works are very different.

And you go from expectation to disappointment, anger, dismay, disgust… according to your temperament.
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Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See?

Most of us are sure we can. We make decisions based on what we see, and our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live.

Most of us live a life of quiet desperation. It was true at the turn of the last century, and it is true now.

There was a discipline and coaching paradigm I studied and used about 9 years ago. It is based on axiology, the Nobel Prize nominated work of Robert Hartman.

Axiology is the study of value or quality. It is the science that deals with what is good and what is not. Beyond and independent of subjective judgment.

The test (Value Profile) we ran in axiology had 4 parameters by which we could map out the potential for success of any individual.

One of them relates to the title. The parameter is called “clarity”.

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What does they mean: ownership, deserving, and being equal to what life throws at you?

This is a long article… it explains some things everyone has misunderstood… and chances are, most will still misunderstand after reading this article…

As I have said before, one of the best ways to find out what a word REALLY means is to see how other languages say it.

Your vocabulary, your accurate vocabulary is the level of the truth value of your knowledge, of your thinking.

And judging from the puny numbers most people have for accurate vocabulary, you can take from sure that your understanding of the world, of reality, of what is being told to you, of what you read, is equally puny, equally pitiful.

I don’t know what you understood until you ask a question, and then I know why my amazing articles can’t, won’t make a dent, won’t do anything for you.

One of these words, owning, ownership is such a word.

If your accuracy is good about it, it is a transformative word. If it is what most people have… it makes no difference.
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What does it mean “create a life you love”?

This attitude, or world view that you can create a life you love, is the same exact world view that prevents you from being happy.

33 trillion webpages talk about that.

But the truth is that you have no authority to change anything in life outside of yourself… but even if you could, even if you do, unless YOU change, your life will remain the same, even if the circumstances changed, because you haver remained the same. You can get the girl out of the gutter, but you can’t get the gutter out of the girl… goes the saying, and, unfortunately, that is how it goes.
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