Tag Archives: Landmark Education

How true is your truth? Do your teachers have theory induced blindness… the world is still flat where human behavior is concerned?

This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.

Is a human like a assembled faucet? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?

I energize my water in a 5 gallon (20 liter) plastic containers with a spigot.

The spigot is replaceable, but I am not strong enough to unscrew it. I have the replacement spigot… I bought it a year ago, but is still sitting on my kitchen counter. I still need to be mindful that the old spigot, which is just another word for water tap… still drips.
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Playground: The One Ring Method

If you love yourself, you love your life.

It sounds so good, but how could you? How could you love yourself, knowing all the horrible things you have done?!

Last night, after the Playground, after I turned the light off… memories of those horrible things started to revisit.

After about 10-15 minutes of that I was feeling really horrible, doubting that I can do any good in the world. And then it hit me: none of the horrible things I said I did ever happened.

What? was I lying to myself?
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Desensitizing you to the mind-noise vs. principles

I watch Netflix series that don’t make sense on the surface for me to watch. But when I look, there is no book, no fiction, that would teach me the principle Source tells me to learn.

I am looking for principles. Principles are a lot like laws. According to the dictionary, a principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
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Gloomy Sunday

As I said in a previous article, movies that you have an unusual affinity with are a great indication of some hidden belief that has an effect on your life.

This past year I have been asking and getting guidance. The guidance happens through movies, books, mostly.

I have Netflix. I don’t know what’s fashionable, what’s hip, and that helps. Ego and the collective ego isn’t driving my actions.

This is how this movie “Gloomy Sunday” showed up on my screen. Horrible title, if you ask me! And it’s a Hungarian movie, dubbed in German, with English subtitles. It was a Gloomy Sunday, and I decided to watch it.

I had prejudice on top of prejudice, but the Gloomy Sunday was there, and it was clear it was there for me.
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Do affirmations work?

Why do I keep saying that affirmations don’t work?
And how about afformations? And how about subliminal suggestions, etc. etc. etc.

If affirmations worked, I would be long a millionaire. And many of the people I know, that are still struggling.

This is what I know about the development of false beliefs… and if my theory is correct, my theory proves my point.

I want to say though, before I start explaining my theory, that I have found a methodology that in the hand of the right practitioner can do miracles.

It is called Theta Healing, and it can eliminate a false belief in about 30 seconds, from the time of pinpointing it. This is what I am using now, both for myself and for my clients.
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Is One healing modality more valid than others?

Is There Any Healing Modality More Valid Than Others? Do any of them work better?
Though it seems that the healing modality that works for you is the only modality that would work for anyone, the truth is that the modality that works for you is the right healing modality for you and for people that have an affinity to the same modality.

What do I mean by that, and what the heck is healing modality anyway?

Modality, just like when we approach learning, or self expression, has a tendency to choose us: we don’t have much of a choice in them.

In learning we can be auditory, or visual, or kinesthetic: they are learning modalities.

In healing ailments, physical, emotional, psychic, intellectual, or even political: Some people heal with minerals, physical force, like cutting out bad stuff and the like. Most western doctors use that healing modality to what they consider curing. You can tell, that I don’t like them… lol. Revolutionaries, protesters, strikers use it for their purposes of forceful change. Incidentally, healing with stones, crystals, belongs to this healing modality.

That is the first modality, the modality of the physical, forceful, and non-organic.

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Truth value: what am I looking at to come up with a number?

The invisible and its relationship to truth value

I bought a book today (Ikagai for business) on creating a purpose, both individually, and for a business.

I have just started reading it… I measured its truth value. It’s 20%.

And then I had the idea of asking a different question I have been meaning to ask: How much of the missing 80% is something that the person doesn’t say, cannot say, because he doesn’t know? And it was high: 70%. And the remaining 10% is just simple untruth, mistake, wrong knowledge.

Then I got a report from one of my students/accountability partners. He says:
I spent some time pondering. I saw the value and the importance of seeing things for myself, taking time to gather my own evidence to support views, to make it my own. To keep moving towards clarity. Otherwise, I’m just repeating memes, i.e. lying. The difference between assessment and assertion
My heart smiled. He is getting it. His truth value is growing.

99% of the world repeats memes, Tree of Knowledge, that they have no personal evidence for, experience about, they just words that maybe even the writer or the speaker is just repeating. Utterances. But they are repeating “truth”… and in their mouths the truth becomes a lie.

And it isn’t just Bible thumping folks, it is university professors, PhD’s, doctors, gurus, healers… and not the least: you.
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Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah

Good question, right? You were just about asking that… Gotcha!

OK, simple question, simple answer.

First I tell you what I am not:

I am not a Kabbalist. Kabbalists study, practice, and teach Kabbalah full time, for many many years. It could be even said that being a Kabbalist is like an insider… you need to be appointed.
I am not a teacher of Kabbalah
I am not a guru
I am not someone who knows a lot about Kabbalah but doesn’t live it.

OK, then what am I?
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How to get reasonably clear of your past?

This morning, while I was measuring someone’s starting point measurements, I wondered if there was another word for the desire measure. And it is… drumroll: entitlement. The person feels entitled to get from nature, from the universe, from the world those things that are desired without having to earn it, work for it, barter for it, compete for it… just because they are themselves. Knowledge, love, respect, compliments, stuff, money… It is almost always the same number as the lack of humility number, how much you think of yourself as the center of the universe, as it’s about you, take things personally.

The higher those two numbers are the less satisfying life becomes, because you always feel cheated.

Every young child thinks that the world, other people, their emotional state and response is centered around them.

So when something happens, and something always happens! they are sure it has something to do with them, that somehow they caused it.
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Confession Video?

Yesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer. He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do. Each their own… not as a group.

The call was in the evening, so I spent all my dreams pondering where was the point where I became who I am today… and what furnace did I come through to be that…

I participated in Landmark (formerly est training) for 26 years when I first decided that maybe it is my job to take Landmark’s teaching further.

I had offered myself to Landmark and was rejected several times. They needed straight delivery people, not thinkers. In spite of the rejections I never lost the confidence that I have what it takes to take Landmark’s work further, make it more accessible and more implementable, so it could make more difference in people’s results and sense of self.

But where was the turning point, where was the hero’s journey?
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