Tag Archives: learning stuff

Why are people Judgmental? that is only the tip of the iceberg? What is at the base?

You may be judgmental, and have been trying to change your behavior for a long time, unsuccessfully.

This, trying the change, is a part of a long string of things you are or have been failing at.

The REAL REASON is buried below several layers of justifications, and without getting to the base layer, the foundation of it, you will never be able to change the behavior.

You may be able to change what comes out of your mouth, but not what you think. Inside you still judge, and then pretend the opposite.

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Is the Law of Attraction true? Maybe… for some people… but definitely not for you

I just hung up with my friend… we talk every Sunday morning, and have been for seven years now.

He is one of my failure stories.

I have some of those. I have many quitter stories, I have even more testimonials, which are the stories of “flash in the pan” successes, and a few genuine success stories.

My results are not much better than others; the only difference, probably, is that I have a few genuine success stories of lasting alteration of being… lasting alteration of consciousness.

Most teachers encourage sharing of successes. ALL those successes are temporary, all those successes are “flash in the pan” successes… because the work that produces the success has stopped.

The definition of success, in a work of transformation, is PERMANENT alteration of the view of self, the view of the world, or consciousness. Alteration of personal reality.

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