Tag Archives: Linchpin capacity

Find The Core Belief that keeps you poor, sick, and miserable

How do you start revealing the core belief that is the linchpin of your whole belief system about yourself, about the nature of the world, or about other people?

I am going to use my own example, because that I know it intimately… because I am aware of all my thoughts and because I have been consciously looking.

Rule number 1: never believe that you have found THE answer. The answer may be deeper than where you are. Example: I thought that my core belief was that I didn’t have the right to live. It felt dramatic, and I shifted it. I could have gone my merry way, but that would have been a mistake.

Rule number 2: Your core belief is what irks you about other people. What do I mean?
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What Is The Technology to Change Your Future?

When you track your current path on the map you will notice that it has a trend. The exact way you can tell from a short section of rails the direction they are heading. If you tell the truth, where that path is heading is not where you want to go… So what is there to do to change your future?

Let’s use the map of the United States for the sake of the visuals among you.

If you want to build a railroad from where you are to let’s say Seattle, what are the important things you need to know?

Where exactly are you?
What is the terrain like between where you are and Seattle?
What are the means that you can use to build your rail?

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What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?

What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?
This article is really important. If you read nothing else on this site, read this. I’ll do my darned best to make it simple, and to reach your dense brain. How do I know it’s dense? Because successful people don’t read articles like this, or not often. Skinny people don’t read how to lose weight articles either… got it?
If you take two people, maybe even twins, and watch them, their results in life, most likely, be different. Their actions will be different. Their likes and dislikes…

You can follow them 24 hours a day and watch what they do, and you can make it into a book, but you won’t help anyone, because what makes one successful is not in the doing. Not even in the thinking. Definitely not in your speaking… It is much much deeper than either.

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You are convinced that you are smarter than me…

I have been holding off on delivering the promised READING class… Why?

There are so many factors that control how much you can do with the instructions I give you, that it is hard to know what I can teach to make a difference…

When you read my articles, when you listen to me (or to anyone else, by the way!) you think that you got 100%, and you maybe even think that you are smarter than me… OK, it’s not a maybe. You think you are smarter than me. And that you know everything.
How do I know you think you are smarter than me?
From your questions, from your requests.

Here is what you do that gives it away:

You ask me to muscle test things… but never ask me a question that would bring some clarity into your thinking. What got you where you are is the quality of your knowledge, the quality of your thinking. All within your power… but you accept and ask for no input from me… because, you know, she is just an empath, a tool.
So what makes one smarter than another?

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A life you love can be built at any age… if you keep some simple rules

In search of quick transformation…
This is a long article, first showing what doesn’t work, why, and then it takes you to what does…

One of the things about humans is arrogance.

Arrogance is not what you think it is… arrogance is really an attitude where you assume superiority where you have none…

Which is, in an ordered universe… EVERYWHERE.

But you, in your arrogance, ignore that you were born into some already existing order… and you behave like you can do whatever you goddamn want… and expect that it is going to work.
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What is the 91% linchpin that keeps your foot nailed to the floor? Can you guess?

My job is a lot like tuning a car… but a car that has 160 adjustable parts… like a human… not so easy…

I love the joke about the guy who brings his car to the mechanic because it doesn’t work properly. The mechanic opens the hood, listens to the motor running, goes to his toolbox, picks out a big hammer and hits the motor, and voila the noise stops.

Then he writes a bill for $500. 500 dollars? cries the customer? for one hit with the hammer? Oh, you want an itemized bill? No problem. says the mechanic, and writes: hit with a hammer: $1. Knowing where to hit: $499.

I am that mechanic.

All the problems are invisible to the naked eye, maybe even to an X-ray machine! So it’s taken me seven years to learn where to hit… $1… learning it, a lifetime of experience and expensive learning: $499.
The sticky part

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How will you reclaim your life from the machine… one great way: handle just one feeling!

I wrote this article back in 2012. It talks about one of the most important invisible dynamics of the human condition… your homepage. I am republishing it to give you a fuller picture of this invisible dynamic… so crucial to your future, to your results, to you becoming an expanding human being.

Here is the original article:

I’ve been trying to teach a new way to connect to Source. It would give you a lot more control over your attention, over your connection, and a lot better results overall.

The difference would be the greatest in the speed with which you would incorporate the activators: instead of having to repeat them 10-20-30 times, just a few repetitions would get you the same amazing results.

I have made, so far, four attempts. Each more disappointing than the next.
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Your life script and how to change it so you start getting what you want?

Success or Failure in life… where do they come from? Do you ever ponder that question? How come some people are successful and others are not, even though seemingly they do the same things?

Consider this: The mind is a pattern creator. It is not interested, fundamentally unconcerned about your thriving or success, it is interested in surviving itself and once survived, staying the same. It creates the beginnings of a pattern every time you survive. And it continues to do so till you die. That’s why behavior scientists say it takes 21 days to change a behavior: a new pattern needs to be created.
Some patterns are deeper than others…

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You are machine… but not a stupid machine

Transformation is not a walk in the park… Because your machine, as a rule, prevents you from accurately seeing reality

Why? Because the invisible machine causes distortions in your perception of reality. Your machine shapes your interpretations, your meanings, and with your reaction to those, it shapes what other people will do…

This is where we are in the Playground…
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