Tag Archives: live class

Wipe The Slate Clean, Empty Your Cup: A New Energy To Clear Your Self-Defeating Busy Mind and the Tree of Knowledge

Wipe the Slate Clean and empty your cup: A New Energy to clear your self-defeating busy mind

Five times a week we have a connection call where I teach the new people how to connect and then we all do a serious meditation while connected to Source.

A few sessions ago I’ve started to give people assignments.

The kind of stuff that if they don’t know how to do, then they are left with power only on the calls, but not in their lives.

I have given, so far, two assignments: how do you address the Ego, so it knows that you are the boss, and that it will support you, give you energy, give you the get-up-and-go push, and ambition, without which you will continue to sleepwalk like the rest of humanity.

The second assignment was to address the Soul so it will know that YOU finally woke up, understood the Original Design and are willing and ready to do the work of Soul Correction. In return to that, Soul will give you peace, love, and a sense of accomplishment. Sweet.

Great assignments, don’t you think? Yes, except. Except that the results were disastrous: which made me think and made me call an urgent tete-a-tete with Source.

What are we going to do? Why aren’t they getting it? Why can I do it, why can’t they? What are they not getting?

The answer was plain and simple: their heads are full. No new information, no new ways of being, no new concepts fit into the already full heads, the busy minds.

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Want to know what is their soul’s purpose? Why?

 People (you?) want to know what is their soul’s purpose so they can start to live the life of their dreams. They are waiting to do the right thing… but there is a problem.

If and when the right thing comes along, will you be ready for it?

It has taken me 60 years to become ready to do what I do, and although most things are not as complicated and demanding as being a spiritual leader of returning humanity to the Original Design, most things require you to know how to do quite a few things.
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MindValley’s total transformation class with Dr. Fabrizio Mancini and Christine Bullock

I am an affiliate (get commission) at MindValley. I have even applied to be one of their teachers, but they sent me a form letter back, so I said F… it. I’ll go on my own.

I duplicated the video at the bottom or the post…

Here is the email I am supposed to send you:
[First Name], do you meditate daily? Over 30 million people in America do.

And do you know what daily meditation can do to you?

It can…

— Boost intelligence and sharpen your focus

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