Tag Archives: magic bullets

You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See or Activators Are Not Magic Bullets

You Can’t Catch What You Don’t See or Activators Are Not Magic Bullets

I have been doing the Daily Connection for 10 days: one major activator a day. It’s quite new to me. Before September 27 I only activated individuals. Since then I am only activating groups.

It’s a whole different ball-game. I need to be aware of every single person’s energy at the same time: they are all in my head. Also, each person resists an activator download in a different way: I need to say the right thing for each to allow it through.

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One fell swoop…

Turning points: I want to get really good at this!

As an Expanding Human Being, you NEVER arrive… Expanding Human Being is not a destination, it is a relationship to Life. An attitude. Learned to the level where it is undistinguishable from inner nature.

I am an Expanding Human Being, sometimes I grow like a weed, sometimes, for months, I languish… hibernate.

With regards to growing my business, I have been a wannabe forever. Trying this and trying that, but never actually doing it.

About five minutes ago I heard myself whispering to myself: “I want to be really good at this!” meaning a business growing method I bought almost two years ago, but abandoned it because I didn’t quite had the energy to even understand how to use it properly.

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Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?

I am becoming clearer and clearer that one of the reasons you may not produce the results in your life, with my teachings, because you don’t understand the words, and you just nod, as if you did. At least that is my experience both on all my calls… so you are probably not an exception.

If looking up the word produces unsatisfying results, then please make sure you ask me in the comments section: I will make sure I explain all the words that don’t make sense. OK?

Here are a few that have come up lately as not understood:

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