Tag Archives: map of reality

A distinction redraws your map of reality

A distinction is a new way of looking at the world. Really new.

It is also like a framework, like a whole punched into a solid wall… when you look through that hole, what you see is unfamiliar.

You can look at the world and suddenly that distinction starts to show up everywhere.

I was talking about the fixed mindset just now, in the article just published, and suddenly, all these pictures are telling the same story, wholly or partially… something I would never would have guessed without actually looking through the distinction: the hole punched in the wall.

here you go:
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You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

I am getting hundreds of requests for Starting Point Measurements. That includes me measuring your vibration… human vibration, vibrational frequency, whatever you call it…

Ultimately there is one thing in common among the emotional responses: disappointment.

A lot of people think that their numbers, their vibration should be higher. Why? Because they are good people. Because they are charitable, kind, nice, don’t kill puppies, and volunteer… whatever b.s. is considered high vibration nowadays.

But the vibration number shows one thing and one thing only: how much your behavior is informed by reality and how much is informed by b.s., rules, myths, ideas, that ignore reality.

And your vibration number is low.
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Love feedback or else… Make it a feedback loop…

The way to find the strait and narrow of happiness (See The Anna Karenina Principle) is to watch the feedback … and self-correct.

Yesterday I added integrity to the starting point measurements. so far all people I measured ranked on 3 out of 100. Wow.

I had an exchange of text messages with a guy, whose vibration was low, and that is all he asked for. His vibration.

He is a Polish person, part of the Starseed Global Alliance to save the earth or something. To me it sounds like a computer game… to him: it is reality.
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When you are a mad scientist then the world is your laboratory…

I am sparkling today with insights.

Yesterday, just before the skies closed on the Days of Power energy, my friend reminded me to refill my cup again. And I did… and today my world is showering me with insights.

About your expectation and reality… The gap… the discrepancy… and how you don’t learn from it.

How do I know? I grew up immersed in the same culture as you… so my starting point was pretty much the same as yours.

And I notice that my expectation about how life works is challenged every day.
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How is your brain like a guitar? The American Idol syndrome… are you the victim of it?

What do mad scientists do? And why are they considered mad?
Mad scientists go beyond the obvious. They go beyond the visible. They go beyond the socially accepted map of reality, that is obviously faulty.

They are mad because they don’t care if they fit in. In their world, in my world, you are mad if you want to fit in.

Fitting in means dumb, superficial, gullible, manipulable, ignorant, sick, tired, and aimless.

So your reason to be here is all caused by what you find most important: to fit in.

Humans have this big brain, and they never bother to learn how to use it.
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Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say and we lie

Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say enthusiastically and we lie.
Clarity is one of the things we ALWAYS lie about. It’s like the speed limit… or not thinking about sex. It is a built in landmine to make sure we are never in integrity.

We view clarity if it were a black and white phenomenon.
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Starting Point Measurements profile analysis #2

Starting Point Measurements profile analysis #2

The subject of this starting point measurements is young, still in school. Yet I don’t know her.

Because she is so young, I went into more details than I normally would, because it is going to be easier for her to change and get on the strait and narrow that leads to a good life, than for an adult. It is also a guidance more for the mother than for herself: I don’t even know if she knows that I measured her starting point measurements.

So, here you go:
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Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…

The particular filter I am looking through here, answering this question, is the Jim Rohn “you need to change who you are” who.

I cannot see it all, and I can tell you, it is not yet who I need to be so I can have all I want, but I am getting closer.

One of the fundamental shifts in the who is how I relate to doing and results.

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Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?

Your starting point measurements tell me the whole story that you are.
And the picture of putting all those starting point measurements also tells me how humanity as a whole is doing.

Pitiful. But why?

Most people think that what they do when they are at their best, when they go to church in their best church-going outfit, is who they are.

Or the all smiles pictures they post on social media.

What you do, who you are, what you listen to 90% of the time gives you the
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Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

This morning something pulled me back to bed after I got up.

I considered it guidance, and I got back to bed.

What came next was amazing: trips down memory lane, all centering around mental illness, mental stability, your TLB, and what was in common among the many people I remember so clearly, people I spent time with in mental institutions.

As an empath, other people’s feelings, emotions tend to tug at me. today 99% of what I feel is not mine… But before I became conscious, before I started to climb the consciousness tree, 30% of the feelings I felt were mine. I also had a lot more voices in my head… all talking at the same time.

The only reason I know, with 20/20 hindsight, that I was hospitalized not for what I felt, is that none of the medication worked… I wasn’t the person who was crazy, I just felt the craziness of others.
My theory of mental illness has always been that it is an escape… a hiding place.

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