Tag Archives: mental illness

I am sitting on a goldmine… but now I see it

Sometimes you don’t know what you have… You may be sitting on a goldmine without realizing it. I was.

This has been my story for a long time. Whatever business I have ever been in, someone, maybe many people told me that I was sitting on a goldmine… except I couldn’t see it, and I couldn’t mine the gold.

And it looked that I am in the same situation, locked it, permanently… no matter how much higher I view the world from.

But something happened today, that may change that.
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What if we are all mentally ill?

What if being fat, or a loser, hapless, never do well is mental illness? What if mental illness is lying?
I read this article on Medium this morning. The dude, Tim Denning recovered from anxiety of decades, debilitating anxiety by testing himself in situations where he had been anxious, and proved to himself that he wasn’t anxious as a law, as a rule, sometimes he wasn’t.

So he asked himself two questions: What if mental illness is lying? What if mental illness is simply conditioned thinking?

These two questions changed his reality.
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