Tag Archives: Michelangelo method

Are you building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?

I am going to quote an email from Tai Lopez, because it is so useful.

He talks about a conversation with the founder of Quest bars… A protein bar I would never touch… but the guy is smart, at least what he says here is very smart, and I wish I had said what he said: (I got stuck at a few sentences, so I changed them around hoping they make more sense that way)
When I asked him what was ONE lesson he learned while scaling his business at a rate of 57,000% in just 3 years, this is what he told me:

“It matters a lot what you build your self-esteem around. Most people build their self-esteem around having the right answer, being right, being good, being smart — all of those things are a death trap.

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Would The Michelangelo Method Work For You With Your Money Blueprint?

The Michelangelo Method and your money blueprint
In a previous article I told you about the three-phase methodology of changing your money blueprint, that will allow you to make, keep, and enjoy more financial benefits than your money blueprint currently allows you to have.

The 3 steps were:

The first part of the process is to diagnose.
The second part of the process is to shift.
The third part of the process is to create a new set-point.

What are not spoken of in the plan are the common actions we all do that backfire and make all our actions ineffective, and work against our best interest.

I dubbed this method the Michelangelo Method because it has its emphasis on removing these actions, thoughts, and beliefs, in one word the causes, that work against the masterpiece you were meant to be. By removing these active elements (the part of you that is not the masterpiece), you’ll be left with your masterpiece… just like Michelangelo was left with David after he chipped away everything that was not David.
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Does life behave like a kayak or an automobile?

As I was answering a coaching student’s post on my Reclaim your life program, I had an insight.

The model you use to change your life, to make decision, to live your life is the model of the automobile.

Narrow streets, you make right angle turns, the motive power in the engine obeys your steering.

Life doesn’t work like an automobile. Life is a lot more like kayaking.

The way you adjust your direction is with tiny shifts of your paddle… no big moves are effective.
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The Michelangelo Method of becoming you

As I said it before, I have a strong affinity to the dramatic… in every area of life. This may be part of my bipolar personality… taking things to the extreme.

I do that with food… I call them experiments, but largely these are experiments taken to the just too much…

And, or course, I pay the price. With my health, mainly.

But… as in everything, there is a silver lining, a benefit, that I would be amiss not to appreciate.

I have discovered almost everything in the area of health this way. Or in the area of training, self or others… or in anything else.

So my latest “fad” thing has been sorghum. I cooked up a huge vat of sorghum seeds with sauteed (fried?) onions and butter… delicious.
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