Tag Archives: muscle testing

Can you find solutions to your health issues by googling?

If you have problems with your hair, your scalp, or with your skin, your teeth, you can research the internet for hours.

And you’ll end up with a serious case of “learned helplessness” where you see that in a field where no one has the answer is all you can do is throw your hands up, or try everything and its opposite. All that knowledge will victimize you…

This could also apply to poor sleep, digestive issues, or lack of energy.
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The truth will set you free, says the meme. Is it true? does it really?

I sometimes get lucky. A generous person lets me know exactly what are the sentiments that dominate my readers.
Right now I have this special offer for health muscle testing.
Two things special about it:

1. I let you in and I’ll measure you, without you having to talk to me. And from my point of view: without ME having to talk to YOU… Less time, less emotional load on me.It’s also that you can get your measurements and put them aside… no accountability to me. I won’t call you on it. You are off the hook.
2. I have a big discount. For the first time. And maybe the last.

Now, let me show you what this reader wrote to me this morning:

I have been dreading to sign up for your testing offers…
or better: to get the results. It’s kinda silly. The getting off milk has been intense and still is a challenge, going to the grocery store – there’s still a part of me that craves bread and pasta and cake and cookies and chocolate and cheese and yoghurt and fruit and carrots and whatever… and it feels like signing up for a death sentence.

Now at least I can pretend to not know… but then I’d have a list, black on white…. non-negotiable.

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Still think memes are innocent? A meme is like a virus

AI have been talking about the memes… and it seems that I haven’t spoken clearly the point.

So let me take a stab at it, and I’ll try until it’s so clear that most people will get it.

A meme is a though form. Words. Some rule, some principle, some saying that says something about how the world works, how you should be, and what is good and bad.

The Tree of Knowledge houses the memes. They live their incestuous life there and they come from there to infect you.
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Is this feeling mine? The most important use of muscle testing – updated

I am sitting here by my computer feeling devastated. In despair. On the verge of crying.

I have no reason to feel this way. Things are OK, I am OK. WTF! right?

So I muscle test. Is this mine? No. Is this coming from my next door neighbor? yes/no

OK? it is coming from there and from somewhere else? right? yes.

Is it an energy blast? A broadcast? Yes. We both got caught up in that. With the major difference, that I can tell, because of muscle testing, that it is not mine. So she remains in despair and i am free.

The human mind is a meaning making, story spinning machine.
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Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?

What is the difference between an opinion and an assessment, an observation, a statement, a theory, a hypothesis?

Many people use one word for many different things…

I have this “friend” who climbs the same steps I climb, except that he climbs it seven times each time, I climb it once or twice. He is a little younger than me.

I am fond of him: he is one of the handful of people I regularly talk to, eye to eye.

I often walk with him as he walks home: I guess I am hungry for human companionship: 10-20 minutes at a clip.
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Are you teachable?

I help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?
This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable.
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Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths

I wasn’t planning on it. It just happened. A whole new insight…

I somehow got onto a youtube page that features a number of autistic videos. And I am going crazy… I am shutting down, I want to run, I am crying…

WTF is going on?

Turns out that the videos, as videos go, record the emotions of the scenes.

I watch a lot of Netflix series. I also read a lot. And I abandon a lot of books and a lot of series… in the middle.
There are certain scenarios I cannot be with… lust is one of them.

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Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…

The particular filter I am looking through here, answering this question, is the Jim Rohn “you need to change who you are” who.

I cannot see it all, and I can tell you, it is not yet who I need to be so I can have all I want, but I am getting closer.

One of the fundamental shifts in the who is how I relate to doing and results.

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How to avoid getting hooked…

It was about 10 years ago. I was getting somewhat better by drinking energized water. Not well, mind you, better. My skin was clearing up, and I had less occurrences of narcolepsy, where I would fall asleep in the middle of speaking, or driving.

I was way up in Colorado. It was a seminar by Marshall Thurber. I was already muscle testing my food… and most everything they had there tested “no” for me.

One of the “celebrity guests” at the seminar was Bill Harris. He is an excellent marketer, the marketer of Holosync. I was a diligent Holosync user… so I was excited seeing him there.

On the last day he and I started to talk (I think I was stalking him) and it came to the topic of water… I started to share about energized water.

He got really upset, and self-righteous, saying that it was bullshit, water is water is water.

I never used Holosync again. I use Bill’s emails to see what I should avoid. Like Mary Morrissey, whose program he is pushing today.

So this article is going to be about the invisible… and inside that invisible, a little bit about Mary Morrissey.
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What makes life worth living?

This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah…
And context is the ultimate life hack.
Most people don’t understand the distinction: context

Why is that a problem? Because of all the elements of life, context is the easiest to change. And when context changes, life changes.

So you don’t understanding context means that life cannot change easily, cannot change fast.

Now you are interested, I hope.

Have you ever asked yourself: What am I doing?
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