Tag Archives: muscle testing

From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

Most authors, most gurus, most spiritual/money/prosperity/marketing teachers contributed one distinction to me… if any.

Actually, most didn’t… Famous ones, successful ones, amazing ones… nothing. I was left with nothing.

One of these distinctions, by Robert Scheinfeld, is considering that all you see when you look is through the limited perspective of the human mind. The 1%.

But seeing things the only way we can is not the problem. You see what you see.
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Do you live like a vibrational being? Find out in this article…

This article can create a turning point for you. It probably won’t… but it is not the article’s fault. If you think you already know, if you think you are already smart… it won’t do a thing for you. So better you just leave now…
I just worked on extracting the relevant part from Sunday’s Muscle testing course recording…
The part where I am talking about the nature of the universe… its wave nature.
What is wave nature? It’s going on and off frequently. Another word for that is oscillation.

If you consider life and the universe particles… a thing… you are wrong more often than you’d like to be. Always?
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One of the hoaxes that have been perpetuated on people is muscle testing.

   Why would anyone believe that you can simply test your muscles about any topic, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical: it boggles the mind.
I first noticed that simple muscle testing is totally and utterly unreliable, when I was trying to pick a hand position when I was doing The Healing Codes.
Eventually concluded that I make a better decision about that by flipping a coin, or just doing any odd hand position. This last one proved a winner: it turned out that the hand positions don’t matter… what matters is looking at the issue underneath the spiritual blockage.

If you think that this is a harmless hoax… you should have to talk to people who are no puffed up with pride how wonderful they are, how they have this archangel walk with them, or some other absolute untruth.

My second time to suspect that muscle testing is harmful unless it is truthful is at the chiropractor.
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Kabbalah String aka Red String

This blog (on Kabbalah) is new, and I decided to look for a logo image for it. A picture of a left wrist with the famous red string around it felt like an excellent idea.

So I went on Google and search for “Kabbalah String.” What a mistake. First off, there were 420 thousand pages listed. Intimidating. Second: most of those sites are hellbent at throwing dirt, venom, spit, at Kabbalah, and everything that has anything to do with Kabbalah. They call it a religion: it is not. They call it a cult: it is not.

I resisted being sucked into …

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