Tag Archives: NEEDY

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob.
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What would be possible if you could choose to be not needy?

I am having a strange experience. It is pleasant. Bubbling. Stimulating. Lovely.

I am not the first one, not even the only one to teach what I teach. I am not alone. This knowledge of the human condition and what works and what doesn’t is holographic.

I am competitive. Maybe it’s my soul correction (34). I like to be the best, the first, the only one. And totally counter to that: I like to know that I could have partners and we could soar together.

I found a ‘soulmate’ who teaches a lot of what I teach to a narrow segment of people: who can see that in life you get what you negotiate for successfully. Jim Camp.
In life you get what you negotiate for successfully

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