Tag Archives: new group

Now I Really Know Everything, Or The Anatomy Of Human Arrogance

There is a strange phenomenon I’d like to share with you.

It’s been bothering me for 23 years, and I have never been able to remedy it.

23 years ago I was a local celebrity publishing magazines for bar-patrons. It was a cutting edge magazine, and my editorials were making some waves.

I had my own angle on everything and people loved it. I had people calling me begging for back issues they missed: the magazine was a collectors’ item.

The number of people that volunteered to help out in the office was also significant: I could pick the best ones.

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What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

If the caterpillar/butterfly analogy were a good one, every human would be on their way to become a Human Being. It would be a DNA imperative: you would go whether you want or not. Human Being is not coded into your DNA. The space is there, the potential is there, but you need to activate it.

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