Tag Archives: no matter what I do

It’s all about the memes. If you catch them, life may start working…

I have at least 2-3 conversations each day that are so profound I should make them public. Sometimes i do…

Here is one from today:
Him: Wow. I realized on yesterday’s call that there are memes and voices when I am on the call and they are disturbing me to get things more than I am doing. Or disturbing me to look, think and not going to the head. These voices are fear based. “What if I say something wrong, what if I can’t do what she says etc.” It went better yesterday because I was conscious of them and could decide to just let them be noises and have my attention on what you were saying instead.
Me: yes. it is the biggest reason people don’t do well. good catch. thank you for sharing.
I have one meme still very alive… “It is too hard!” lol
and another one, a little bit less “It is hopeless!”

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Why do you choose the shotgun method that doesn’t work, while you know that the process method works?

I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…

In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.

He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.

He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.
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Turning your life around on a dime. Become a winner in life

In this article I am going to illustrate a method of turning your life around, going from mundane, boring, safe, and probably unhappy, to a life that excites you, a life of adventure, and joy.

The example is real: I went through this just about an hour ago… so it is real and it’s fresh. Here you go:
I have been waking up every morning disappointed that I woke up. And I had the
‘I only woke up in the morning because I didn’t die the night before’

This morning I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at this mood, curiously. The ‘I’ that was watching, was sympathetic and compassionate to the miserable ‘I’ that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

‘But it makes no difference,’ the miserable ‘I’ said. ‘People are set in their ways, the dark side wins by numbers, and no matter what I do, it makes no difference… not really!’ it continued its whinging.

‘OK, time to break out the big gun’ the observer ‘I’ said then, and then we both looked.

So what game would be worth playing, that would transform this morning scenario into eager ‘I can’t wait to start my day’ scenario?
We didn’t have to wait long for the game to emerge. No thinking, no forcing, it just popped out: ‘How about the game of being a winner?’
It’s a perfect game because it doesn’t have one big result and when you have to invent another one to win again. What makes a winner is winning, just like what makes a leader is leading… it is not possible to fake. You either win or you don’t. We will consider winning at this game if the results in real life match the criteria as winning.

Winning in business, winning in relationships, winning in health… perfect game. It will give us an opportunity to celebrate every win, big or small, and in order to celebrate, we’ll have to notice it all. We won’t be stingy like we have been: winning won’t be our natural state, winning will be our milestone. It will never be taken for granted.

With Landmark Education’s wording, we would say it this way: ‘The possibility I am inventing for myself and for my life, is the possibility of being a winner.’ We like that. Because it includes both the experience and the facts… the facts of actually winning.
So how do you win? Winning requires rules. Of what is considered winning.
In golf you win if your ball goes into the little hole in the ground.

So, in my life, the rules will be: I will set my sight at something. If I accomplish it, it’s winning. if I fail to accomplish it, then it’s not winning.

I will pick my games carefully but yet boldly. The word “accomplish” indicates that the game must be not easy to win, and that I will need to apply myself, grow, learn, get clever, take risks… I like it.
I just had an insight: every time I can say to myself ‘I am proud of myself!’ is a win.
Example: If you can replace one cup of coffee with a glass of water, because you’ve been wishing to do that… you can be proud of yourself.

Remember that babies take their first steps and everybody
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How does your past get into your future… and make you repeat the same life

I have an older blog that is attacked by hackers every week. They install malware… so I don’t want you to go there…

It’s an old website, more than 10 years ago it was my main blog. Most of it is still useful.

I have started to move the old blog posts, one by one, to my yourvibration.com site.

One of those posts reminded me, that until you get what I am writing in it, your future will be much like your past.

While I was researching for pictures, I found that what I am teaching is against the mainstream ineffective, all in the visible… the mind is powerful type of teaching.

Reality, if you watch a person, reality doesn’t work the way THOSE people, those memes, those motivational speakers tell you it works. The nature of reality is that 90% of what moves anything or anyone, the CAUSE, is in the invisible/unconscious domain of life.
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A life you love can be built at any age… if you keep some simple rules

In search of quick transformation…
This is a long article, first showing what doesn’t work, why, and then it takes you to what does…

One of the things about humans is arrogance.

Arrogance is not what you think it is… arrogance is really an attitude where you assume superiority where you have none…

Which is, in an ordered universe… EVERYWHERE.

But you, in your arrogance, ignore that you were born into some already existing order… and you behave like you can do whatever you goddamn want… and expect that it is going to work.
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A typical day of this empath

I often find out what I have and what it does, from students, or by accident. Also some of the things are theories until proven by enough empirical data…

How the harmonizer works, really

Some of you may remember that last year I had a section on the blog that said what was the negative emotion, negative energy transmission Dark Side was spewing across the globe.

I was surprised that this year there didn’t seem to be any, until this past Saturday: suddenly deep sadness, a sense of loss, irreversible loss was coming over me… it wasn’t mine. It wasn’t anybody’s, it was a D.S. transmission. It was irresistible, and I spent the day in a funk.

Today the emotion was extreme anguish, fear, trepidation, strong pressure from underarm to underarm: No matter what I do, I can’t stop what’s coming. Phew, real bad. Then I checked and the Harmonizer wasn’t turned on on my computer in the office. I turned it on, and within minutes the feeling became weaker and manageable.

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How self-fulfilling prophecy really works, or what is the difference between thinking and having thoughts

Everybody teaches that what you think about comes about. What they base this inane untruth on is the bad things that you somehow seem to “make happen” by concentrating on them through fear.

And although the fear-based “manifestation” is true a lot of the time, the “positive” manifestation happens only as accident, if ever.

The basis of the “negative manifestation” is called self fulfilling prophecy in psychology, which is a pseudo-science based on observation and theories.

Most of the theories in any discipline are wrong, so nothing special about psychology. What is special is how pseudo religion, law of attraction made it a law… churns my stomach. And we all ate it in our fervent desire to gain some control over our lives.

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Turning your life around on a dime… or how to become a winner in life

In this article I am going to illustrate a method of turning your life around, going from mundane, boring, safe, and probably unhappy, to a life that excites you, a life of adventure, and joy.

The example is real: I went through this just about an hour ago… so it is real and it’s fresh. Here you go:
I have been waking up every morning disappointed that I woke up. I have had the

“I only woke up in the morning because I didn’t die the night before”

This morning I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at this mood, curiously. The “I” that was watching, was sympathetic and compassionate to the miserable “I” that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“But it makes no difference,” the miserable I said. “People are set in their ways, the dark side wins by numbers, and no matter what I do, it makes no difference… not really!” it continued its whining.

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Case study: Disappearing your racket?

I have been complaining that my bills are higher than my income.

Now, complaining is the tip of the iceberg, the visible part, that indicates an iceberg underneath, under the water level… the kind of iceberg that sunk the might Titanic.

For the most part we ignore our complaints… whining, we may call them. Sissy, we may call ourselves. Cruel, we call the world. But paying attention? No, that we don’t do.

Why? I am not sure. I have some guesses, but your guess is probably as good as mine… as far as guesses go.

So I have decided to observe myself… after all there must be a benefit in living with myself… right? lol.
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Boys, Girls, Gender, coming to peace – Tigers and Bears, oh my!

boys… I always wanted to be a boy. They seem unperturbed, laugh a lot. Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off… So I really love this picture.

I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. I knew it was only a matter of time. I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. I didn’t know what was cut off, but I needed it.

I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.

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