Tag Archives: nothing to fix

Your complaints: What is the source of your misery?

I have been pondering a student’s email all morning.

Today I was observing as the machine isn’t interested in going through a process to win: it prefers winging it… Go directly to the top, or zig-zag… with no rhyme and reason.

And then… suddenly, uninvited, a series of connected memories surfaced.

The the captivating story of a 13 year old killing his abusive father, becoming a cross-dresser… pondering if homosexuality is genetic, or imprinted (brain plasticity). I think about the Royals’ sexual behavior. I think about the beautiful enchantress becoming pockmarked from smallpox… to yet another movie’s heroine, face marred with smallpox… rejected by many, and accepted by the one she loved.

And at that I cried.

The insight: the crying, came from a ‘wrong’ I experienced as a child.
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Why aren’t the gurus happy? Why is it that they smile outwardly but burn in hell inwardly? Is Christie Marie Sheldon happy?

There are two categories of gurus:

they actually have something to offer that is valuable… or had at some point.

they never had anything to offer, they are pretenders, fake, marketeers

I will address only the first group throughout this article… why bother writing about the ones that have nothing and had nothing… ever.

Now, if you had something of value to offer: why would you live in hell? Especially if the “product” you sell is how to happy, how to be prosperous, how to be connected, well, blah blah blah.

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Your emotions make your decisions for you, not your mind. The mind only justifies your decisions

A student of mine sent me this article because of my recent discovery I talked about in the “What’s wrong with me” article, and have been elaborating on it on the free webinars that I have three times a week.

I had always taught what I learned, that first is the word, that creates the feeling, and that triggers the action. But this past Tuesday I finally put that to the test and it is now proven to be absolute horse manure: not true.

When something happens, your other than conscious mind, your emotions already react, whether you are aware of it or not. And that makes you act… even before the mind gets any of this.

Whether it is 7 seconds as they claim in this article or not, is immaterial, your mind is always late to the party…

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What’s wrong with you?

I never met my grandfather. Which means people can teach you, “give you advice” with their life.

Both my grandfathers died in the Holocaust.

My maternal grandfather was a lawyer. He was hardheaded. He violated every rule, he beat my grandmother, he was the “head” of the family.

When my mother, then 24 years old, found a way to avoid being taken to concentration camp, and told him, he said that she was stupid, and that she could just go herself. She did and she lived.

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Talk back to me: How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

Question: People ask me: how long should I plan that my vibration rises to 395? Do you have a plan that will allow me to do that in two months?

Answer: This is the type of questions I get regularly. The question belies the world view that we live in a two plus two equals four Universe.

“Plan your work and work your plan.”

I do not share that world view.

I do not believe that cause and effect is linear and you can even detect the why of things happening.

If we could plan, do and bank on the results, then there would be a lot of vibration 395’s would be running around. At the moment there are only four people with or above that vibration on Planet Earth.

Are you disappointed? Did you REALLY think that running some high energy audios will transform you into a sage? A mystic?

My most successful student, at the moment hovers between 360 and 370 in her vibration. She has been doing the work with me since October of 2011.

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