Tag Archives: ownership

What is the difference between an object and a person?

Everybody resents being treated like an object… But the truth is: YOU consider yourself an object… by not using what would make you a person.

Are you a person automatically? No, you aren’t…
What is the difference, the ONLY difference between and object and a person?
We, most of all humans live as if we were an object in a world of objects.

And if I asked anyone, why, they wouldn’t know. My students, my teachers, philosophers, everyone. No one knows.

And if you don’t know something, if you can’t recognize it even if you trip over it, then, of course, you won’t use it, you won’t strengthen it, you won’t even want it.
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You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck

My teacher, Robert Hartman famously said: to know good you need to study evil. To turn your life around, you need to study what keeps you stuck.

As I am gearing up to teach the machine that we call the racket, I am getting emails from participants, people who registered in the workshop.

Those who are smart (not many :-\ ) come prepared. Armed in having witnessed enough of the distinction and the process to be able to recognize it on themselves by buying the Racket Course… have questions.

I am sure the rest of them want me to do all the work, and make them good, pretty, slim, smart, happy, rich… did I leave anything out?

The racket is a machine. It has a trigger that is an on-switch… and it even has an off-switch.
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What does they mean: ownership, deserving, and being equal to what life throws at you?

This is a long article… it explains some things everyone has misunderstood… and chances are, most will still misunderstand after reading this article…

As I have said before, one of the best ways to find out what a word REALLY means is to see how other languages say it.

Your vocabulary, your accurate vocabulary is the level of the truth value of your knowledge, of your thinking.

And judging from the puny numbers most people have for accurate vocabulary, you can take from sure that your understanding of the world, of reality, of what is being told to you, of what you read, is equally puny, equally pitiful.

I don’t know what you understood until you ask a question, and then I know why my amazing articles can’t, won’t make a dent, won’t do anything for you.

One of these words, owning, ownership is such a word.

If your accuracy is good about it, it is a transformative word. If it is what most people have… it makes no difference.
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Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn

Most people feel stuck. It doesn’t feel good. And they want to be unstuck… but they don’t know how.

Three questions can take you from where you are at now to movement… onto the path to wherever you would like to be.

I have lead a workshop about a hundred times that asked slightly different questions, and it strikes me funny now, that maybe I have been asking the questions that are ‘fixing’ based… not what I wanted.

The old workshop asked:

what’s working
what’s not working?
What are you doing in that area? Who are you being? (attitude) What are you having? (results)
Who would you need to be so what isn’t working can start working, maybe even brilliantly?

I’ve lead that workshop over and over again, and it was always a disappointment for me: people, on the evolutionary level where humanity is having no or too few spiritual capacities working haven’t been really able to benefit from the workshops.

And even when we managed to see a new way of being that would make life work brilliantly, they could not make it work… As soon as they returned to their life away from me and my way of looking at life and themselves, the old patterns of looking a being re-asserted themselves… and that was that. No results.

I have been learning new questions to ask… and some people have been able to use the new questions to get unstuck and start moving.

A new set of questions is the quiver of clarity questions from Tom Beal:

where are you at now?
where would you like to be?
what is one thing that if you did it regularly, it would 10x your life or this area of life (new)
what should you stop doing?
what should you do more of?
what should you do less of?

Or the same questions from my workshop asked differently:

1. What is working?
2. What is missing?
3. What is next?

Questions make you look at your life, and even life differently, revealing the hidden patterns that without the questions they are almost invisible.

The questions can make you optimistic, hopeful, maybe even confident that you can move… or put you in despair.

I personally prefer the jetfuel method of motive power, but today’s humanity is mostly snowflakes (70% of humanity) and want to remain positive…

And although I don’t have much to offer to the snowflake type of person, and and 92% of my subscribers are snowflakes… I want them to at least experience what is possible when you don’t just hope and wish and hold your hand out to the ‘Universe’ to fill your wishes.

I have been looking for a new way to turn people around and found these three questions that, hopefully, put people into a gratitude mode instead of a fixing mode… and with that they will be able to see something they can actually DO… nouvelle idea, isn’t it?

Most people take things working for granted. The things that actually work they consider normal so they never look and ask: what am I doing here, who am I being here, that this works? Instead they
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Stairway to heaven or hot air balloon… both can work. You were thinking of a chair lift, weren’t you?

It is, to me, devastating to hear the “bend” of the world to be “against”… and the complete blank when it comes to “for”.

This is nothing new. This is the story of humanity: a richness of distinctions what to hate, what to fight, what to be against… and a poverty of colors, distinctions, actions when that fight succeeds.

No one knows. No one is even looking. No one gets that it is more important than air…
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