Tag Archives: pattern

Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, being or getting stuck

I am in a state that can be compared to the cocoon state. I intend to emerge on the other side as a butterfly.

Wasn’t I a butterfly before? Who knows. But humans don’t live a day or two, like butterflies, and they have more stages than butterflies.

When you grow (if you grow) spiritually your growth pattern is much like…

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What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?

What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?
This article is really important. If you read nothing else on this site, read this. I’ll do my darned best to make it simple, and to reach your dense brain. How do I know it’s dense? Because successful people don’t read articles like this, or not often. Skinny people don’t read how to lose weight articles either… got it?
If you take two people, maybe even twins, and watch them, their results in life, most likely, be different. Their actions will be different. Their likes and dislikes…

You can follow them 24 hours a day and watch what they do, and you can make it into a book, but you won’t help anyone, because what makes one successful is not in the doing. Not even in the thinking. Definitely not in your speaking… It is much much deeper than either.

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I thought I had the beginnings of Parkinson’s Disease

I wrote this article in 2016…

I intended to write a different article today, but this is too important to wait…

I had neurological issues this past few weeks. I started to be wobbly, words weren’t coming easily, easy words, and then to top it off, I was dropping an egg or two: they just slipped from my hand. Four eggs in one week… NEVER even one before, in 69 years.
I started to muscle-test myself to find out what was the cause of this sudden onset of neurological issues.
The problem with “diagnosing” issues, nearly any health issue, is this: the process is linear.

Linear means that you ask a question and depending on what you get, you continue on a single path.

But… but the question depends on your insights and on your knowledge.
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Molecules of Emotion… Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions… but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling.

Our language doesn’t keep up with the emotions: just like we don’t have words for the billions of colors that can be created with the four base colors of light, red, blue and yellow… and of course white… we don’t have accurate words for the feelings that are a combination, an energetic combination of base feelings.

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Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

You live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…
A filter is like a pair of glasses…
A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there…

It’s the ripples that we don’t like… we don’t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg… hidden, invisible…
But you can’t change something that you don’t know. You can’t change something that you don’t see.
We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can’t have what we want, and we suffer.

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Meditation: separate yourself from the mind, body and emotions

I have started the Osho meditation series with Day One.

Lots of talk… very meditative for me. Participants complained that there was no meditation.

When you meditate, that doesn’t mean there is silence outside. The silence is inside. When you meditate it doesn’t mean you cannot listen to someone talk: it only means you listen and hear it, but not through the busy mind, that compares, argues, tries to understand, criticizes and judges. No, the mind simply allows it to be, allows it in, in a meditative state.

It is like when you are in the shower. The mind doesn’t argue with every drop of water… and you can get wet without the mind interfering.

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Ten signs that you are on the path of spiritual awakening

I know your spirituality is a private matter, but your generosity, or the lack thereof, unfortunately, very visible to all, and felt by you: stinginess feels bad, trust me I have been there.

Sharing is generous. Especially when you don’t want to… Almost as effective in raising your vibration as the secret tool I have shared before, validation.

Ten signs that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening:

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How come some people get results and other don’t, when they do a program?

The easy and obvious answer would be that some do the work of the program, others don’t.

But what if neither do the work? And yet, some have results, and other don’t.

What is the explanation? Are the “some” smarter?

The answer is is your reticular activator.

The reticular activator works for you behind the scenes

The reticular activator function is an attention function. It is also a pattern recognizing, zeroing in function, much like a heat seeking missile: it cannot miss. It is a function that below your conscious awareness gets the work done for you.

Your attitude to the program either works with your reticular activator or it doesn’t. And that largely depends on your attitude about yourself.

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I caught myself grieving yesterday… What are you grieving when you are grieving?

I caught myself grieving yesterday.

I got a brochure in the mail that had pictures of Budapest in it. I left Hungary, and Budapest, the capital I was born and lived for 34 years 32 years ago.

Every time I considered grieving, a song welled up in my head, a song about home and home sickness. It’s about longing, and it’s about regret. And I refused to regret anything. Like Edith Piaf, Je ne regrette rien. No regrets.

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Reverse the meaning, flip the context of your most traumatic incident

One of the transformational moves I use with my students is “flipping the context.”

Context is decisive, and the context inside which you live your life is what makes your life great or horrible… not what happens to you.

Here is an example of flipping the context from my favorite horoscope writer, Rob Brezsny:

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