Tag Archives: permission-gene

Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

If you have hopes to become happy, Today’s Monday Morning Memo is right up your alley… it teaches what you CAN do, HOW you can look and see reality, and be happy, excited, joyful… instead of how and what you are now.

Without gene adjustment. Probability that it will work… without energetic adjustment: 3%. The effectiveness of words to your behavior and worldview.

Yesterday’s Inner Authority class was very instructive to me: I found out that many people consider that what they get from me, energies, adjustments, etc. are non-important, non-essential, maybe even non-real… as in ‘they are my way to extort money’.

The more you can consider my energy interventions real, real-real… the more willing you’ll be to do what co-creative actions you need to take.
Energies, for the most part, can only change physical reality if and when some action is added, concurrently.
Example: …
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Permission to grow… permission to experience discomfort.

I read this quote in an email today.

‘I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.’ — Georgia O’Keeffe.

What she doesn’t know, that if and when you become new, bigger, etc. then you’ll be yourself… but bigger… And in the meantime it won’t be very pleasant to grow. There is an expression: growing pains… and it is true, it is real.

This quote could be your slogan while you go through the brain balancing sequence for the next weeks, months, so you emerge more whole, more complete than you have ever hoped to be.

And you’ll need it.

If you think it is difficult and painful get your car out from two vehicles that are an inch from your car… then you know what we are doing… it takes tens, maybe hundreds of small moves for the brain to re-adjust to the new constellation and be stable again.

I may be going through it more dramatically than you are… let’s hope it’s so.
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What to expect after gene adjustment? What will change?

I offered free gene tree testing in yesterday’s article to people I already know. A lot of people resonated with the misbehaving genes, and wanted to know if their lives are not working, if they are not very happy and successful because of those misbehaving genes.

So I was testing that…  Your DNA tree. The genes that should turn on or turn off on their own, but they they didn’t.

The baby genes: Two genes (I call them baby-genes) that are very useful in babyhood that normally turn off at some point to make you responsible for your actions, make you someone who can become self-sufficient and productive in life. These genes normally turn off by school-age… but for many of you one or both didn’t turn off, and the gene(s) ‘on’ left you with a life you don’t love, left you with a self that is hard to love. It left you feeling and acting entitled and thus unable to take the actions necessary to create a life and a self you can love.
The permission gene: Another such gene isn’t on for a baby, because it would make the baby not want to be a baby, not want to remain dependent. I call that the permission gene. At some point in life, around 8-9 the gene should turn on, but for many of you it didn’t or hasn’t. It is a gene that prohibits the child to go too far from the parent, from the safety of the home… but later in life that ‘permission’ is crucial to allow you to be willing and able to explore, do new things, to enjoy life, and to grow yourself and your ‘playground’.

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