Tag Archives: photoreading

The allure of fast… fast money, fast success, fast learning, fast reading

I write about what is not obvious…

I have said before, that when you feel envy, when you feel a pang of envy looking at someone’s result, accomplishments, you feel guidance.

You want what they have, and it points to an area of growth, an area of training where you have enough energy to get to the same level, or maybe even beyond.

A year or so ago I was still a blob… Overweight. I saw it mostly on Tuesdays, when I looked at myself in the big wall covering mirror in during the exercise class.

One of the women, long white hair, was my opposite: shapely. She even had a waist… lol. I didn’t.
I looked at her, and said to her: I want what you have.

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Reading… Connecting the dots… why can’t you?

Why is it that in spite of all the reading, all the studying, all the classes you take, you are not amounting to much, to as much as you feel you should have earned?

And no matter how many people suggest that reading a book a week is good for you… it may do nothing for you… I have seen that with my students… and while writing yesterday’s article, the “April 1… joy-full life” article, I saw it again.

The way you do things, the way you read, learn, etc. doesn’t create connections between the things you see, the things you learn, the things you read.

When we talk, maybe you can connect the dots, i.e. you are capable of integration: seeing that two seemingly disparate concepts connect, they are part of the same thing, or they are in fact the same thing.

But only when I point it out to you.
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